Ch 12: One Way Trip

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First off before I begin this chapter, thank you all! For 1k views, I had never thought I would make it here. Heck, I never thought I would be here! From the bottom of my heart Thank you all for everything. Now onto the chapter!

Isaac's POV

After a long fight, It finally stopped Steven managed to convince the two Diamonds to stop fighting, at first I didn't think the kid had it since they were driven by rage and vengeance, but he did it I'm just glad it's over, Blue Diamond was hugging the breath out of Steven swinging him around and spinning while crying and laughing she was in a hysterical state

Blue Diamond: "Oh Pink I can't believe it! You've been here all along!"

Yellow Diamond then extended her hand to attempt to use her ship, but it was badly damaged, she then turned around to face us

Yellow Diamond: "How could you do this to us Pink? Why did you let us think that you were shattered? Why use a strange disguise? Why are you doing a voice? Why didn't you say anything in the trial?"

Blue Diamond places Steven down allowing him to catch his breath

Steven: "Heh... It's Steven, at that time I didn't know, and even if I did know you wouldn't listen or even believe me, I was trying to tell you that but then you tried to kill me."

Yellow Diamond: "What do you mean you didn't know?"

Steven: "I don't have any of Pink Diamond's memory just her powers, all I know is that she didn't want this to come down, making her have no choice."

Blue Diamond: "No choice?"

Yellow Diamond: "Explain on that."

Steven: "Didn't Pink try to go back into the colony?"

Yellow Diamond: "Yes"

Steven: "But here's the thing you wouldn't let her because she realized that the life here was all going die from the colony"

Blue Diamond: "We have preserved a quite few specimens back at the human zoo." human zoo? So they took humans away from earth and locked them away? Shit, that sounds rough.

Steven: "Also that, you captured the humans and locked them away that's also not right."

Yellow Diamond: "What are you getting at?"

Steven: "What I'm trying to say is that Pink didn't want to kill off humanity because it wasn't fair. You guys understood everything about humans right?"

Yellow Diamond: "Yes we know that they act like animals."

Steven: "Wrong, you think they're animals, but we can be intelligent as you. For example, look at Issac, he may look a little scary with that mask on. But he's smart, even smarter than all of us! He's an amazing person he's the reason why we're not fighting anymore" The two Diamonds then look at me

Yellow Diamond: "Issac is that how we pronounce your name?

"Yep, it's Clarke, Isaac Clarke."

Blue Diamond: "Clar-ke?"

"Yeah you got it"

Steven: "Back to the point Pink didn't want to do everything she did as Rose Quartz but she had to because you weren't taking her seriously, at that point she had no choice but to fake her shattering and become Rose Quartz."

The Diamonds looked Disappointed I'm guessing that they're both in denial about everything that happened

Steven: "Pink Diamond then eventually had decided to live on earth and began... To... Um" Steven then looked at me and gave the "help me out look" I turned to the Diamonds

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