Ch 10: A Moment Of Peace

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Issac's POV

Pearl: "This folding bone is so nice! Who knew throwing a party could be so fun?"

Garnet: "We all decided it" as Pearl handed the paper to Garnet and me, we both signed the papers and handed them to Peridot.

"Here's one Peridot."

Peridot: "Ugh! We've been stuffing these envelopes all day!" she said handing the envelopes to Lapis and Amethyst.

Peridot: "How many does that make?"

Lapis: "That makes it ten!"

Peridot: "Ten?! We're going to be here forever!"

Steven: "Don't give up Peri we can do it! Why don't we add some things to Issac's party! What do you guys want?"

Lapis: "It would be cool to have some dolphins!"

Amethyst: "And some flames, yeah!" dolphins and flames wow what a party.

Amethyst: Ooh! Ooh! What about-"

Garnet: "Amethyst let's just focus on these letters then we'll decide what we ''can'' put up

Amethyst: "Fffine" Amethyst pouted

Later again

Garnet, Peridot, Lapis, and Amethyst are setting up the chairs and tables Steven, Pearl, and I are planning out the party.

Steven: "Alright so we'll have the music and snacks ready for people to snack on. And while that's happening, we're going to have a blast dancing on the dance floor and cheering for this amazing party!"

Pearl: "Everyone... Who survived."

Lapis: "Huh?" she said looking over.

Pearl: "I'm sorry it's just.. Some so many old friends won't be able to come, and all of the Crystal Gems are corrupted and bubbled in the basement. Oh Issac you would loved them." Hearing this hurts me, someone forcing you to hunt your allies down. This makes my blood boil

Steven: "Maybe we can bring the bubbles up here?"

Pearl: "No, it's not safe we can't risk them getting out." Steven nods at this. But judging from the look on his eyes he looked sad, I would too if I were in his shoes.

Steven: "Alright I'm going to head back inside to sign names on the paper."

"I'm coming with you Steven, those papers sure are a pain to do." He laughed.

Steven: "Yeah they sure are." he started walking back, the real reason why I'm coming with him is that I can help him out with whatever bothering him. Also the papers as well.

I open the door and notice Steven is on the couch signing the last of the papers he seems to be on a train of thought I then spoke up.

"Steven, you alright?" his head perked up

Steven: "Hm? Oh, I'm alright! I just can't get Pearl's words out of my head, what If I could find someone who isn't corrupted that can meet you."

"I'm sure you will Steven." he nodded at this, then his eyes brightens up.

Steven: "Wait there is! Bismuth!"

"Bismuth? Who's she?"

Steven: "Oh she's a gem that tried to kill me because she thought I was Mom, but after knowing the truth I'm sure she'll understand and won't attack me.. I hope."

"you sure that's a good idea?"

Steven: "Yeah! Come on, let's go free her." he then got up and started heading to the temple gate I followed him, having my weapons ready just in case this gem starts trouble. The door opens and we head inside I see bubbles in the air filled with Corrupted gems shaking the tension away.

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