Ch 3: The Shocking Truth

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Isaac POV

"My name is Issac."

Pearl: "Mhm now that your awake I need to let Garnet that you are awake I'll be right back." She goes over to the door and opens it and steps inside, what shocked me was that she used no hands to open the door strange, I then I feel something slide up on my boot I look down and realize that the green "gem" is tape measuring me

"Uh, what are you doing?" she didn't answer.

Amethyst: "Don't worry she's just checking you out"


Amethyst: "Cuz she's a nerd she likes technology and what your wearing is one of them."

"Huh." after she was done she pulled out her notes

Peridot: "Twelve point five inches, hundred and ninety-five pounds. Not bad for a forty-nine-year-old." as my eyes were moving around I saw the woman "Amythyst" holding the picture of Ellie...

"Hey, why do you have that?" my voice rose up little

Amethyst: "What this? I was a little curious about what you were holding so I took it to see what it was, who is your girlfriend~" she said in a playful tone

"Give me that!" I ripped the picture out of her hands and placed it in my pocket

Amethyst: "Woah I'm sorry man didn't mean to make you upset..." After that happened I crossed my arms and the front door opened up

Steven: "Connie I can't wait to show you he has the coolest looking suit on!"

Connie: "that sounds awesome!" as they looked over in my direction and greeted them with a with head nod

Connie: "Woah you look like an astronaut!"

Steven: "That's what I said too!"

"I'm not but you can say that." The children have stars in their eyes.

Connie: "That's pretty cool! Haven't met one yet." 

Lapis: "Wait if you were an Astronaut doesn't that mean you went to planets?"

"Sometimes, I'm just an Engineer I work on ships. That's all"

Connie: "So you work on spaceships? That's awesome!"

this made me smile I haven't heard another person compliment me since... Back in the days. Before all this Marker bullshit happened, Then the door opened where Pearl went and a tall woman stepped out.

Pearl: "Garnet meet Issac, Issac meet Garnet."

"Uh, nice to meet you." I shook hands with her and she has quite the grip 

Garnet: "Pleasure to meet you as well."

Steven: "Hey Garnet we figured out that Issac can make spaceships!"

Garnet "Impressive," she said with a smirk.

Peridot: "I'm glad we rescued you, you're an amazing human!"

"What do you mean by rescued?"

Peridot: "Oh that's right you landed in the ocean while you were unconscious you would have died! As you, humans say If we didn't rescue you." they did do that for me? I still forget that there's good in people. I haven't seen many in a long time

"Well, thanks for rescuing me."

Pearl: "You don't need to thank us, it is our duty to protect the earth and the humans."

Garnet: "Yes, now Issac do you mind telling a couple of questions?"

"Uh, I guess." I sat down on the couch

Garnet: "Good, now where did you come from? Do you remember what were you doing?"

"I'll try, I remember I killed the moon and I shut the machine off with Carver and... Ellie..."

Lapis: "Ellie? Who's Ellie?"


Garnet: "Gems it's all you know the truth about him, he saved the Earth and the entire Galaxy he saved humanity." everyone was shocked by what they heard some covered their mouths.

Steven: "Wait Isaac did you really do that! he said with a happy expression

"Wait how do you know that?"

Steven: "Oh easy! She saw your past."

"My past?"

Garnet: "Isaac we don't have anything that humans appreciate but you are welcomed in this home." I didn't want to be in this home and bring my problems but I had nowhere to go, and these people seem somewhat nice.

"Eh, thanks Garnet..."

Garnet: "Considering you will be staying here with us we treat you as a Crystal gem," she said with a smile but I was confused by what she said.

"What's a Crystal gem?"

Amethyst: "It means you are one of us dude! Welcome to the family!" family... Mine was broken down, I didn't see my father much. Since he was always working on ships all the time, my mom fell into a depressing state, in her therapy the doctors encouraged her to find something that gave her fulfillment and there she found the unitology she  spent all the savings in the church to reach a higher rank and to gain a "soul cleanse"  I honestly can't blame her for wasteing the spendings I just only wished she saw what she was raising up

Steven: "Since your one of us we gotta show you around the city!" I got up

"Alright then lead the way."

Steven: "Alright, Connie let's go!"

Connie: "Right behind you jam bud!"  Then we three-step out of the door and step down the stairs and walk down to the shoreline.

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