Ch 2: Soon To Be Friends

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Garnets POV
As I opened the door I stepped inside and walked over to the couch and gently placed the human down taking my time looking at him, strange I had never seen any human wearing this type of armor he was holding something in his chest before I could interact, Pearl, stepped over to me

Pearl: "Garnet what is the real reason you brought the human here?"

"I told you Pearl I sense something in him something that I never felt before" Pearl was shocked by this

Pearl: "Strange why don't you go and see his past perhaps it will explain?"

huh, not a bad idea "Alright Pearl" I placed my on his head and began to focus as I tried harder and harder I saw something like this man... This human saved the earth. No not just Earth, the entire galaxy! I could barely see what he fought against, I all heard were... Strange growls.


Pearl: "What is it?"

"Nothing Pearl watch over him if the human wakes up let me know, I need to check up on the corrupted gems." she nodded, and I walked over to my room as the door opened I stepped inside as the door closed while my mind still wondered about that human...

Pearls POV

As I sat down on the couch right next to the human Steven walked over to the counter grabbed a glass of water and drank it then he begins walking over to the man he licks his hand and places it on the open wound it starts to heal back, the man's facial expression was pained face now could be seen as a calm and relaxed expression

Steven: "There you go! All better" I spoke up

"Steven I know you're happy about helping this person but please be a little quiet we don't want to wake him up."

Steven: "Sorry Pearl,"

he said in a hushed voice then something popped into his mind which made him step outside, I sighed. Lapis was just sitting on the stool, and Peridot was at a distance looking at the human while writing notes. I sat down and looked at him what did Garnet see in you human? I looked away and sighed, Amythyst stepped over to him and had curious look on her face

"Amythsyt what are you doing?"

Amethyst: "He's holding something I wanna see it."

"What? Just leave the human be Amethyst can't you see he's going through what a human should not!"

Amethyst: "Awh c'mon Pearl aren't you a little curious?" she, as began to dig her hands, open the human's hands


Isaac's POV

My ears were ringing as I woke up I see that I'm not falling any more questions ran through my head, was I dead or alive? did I stop the Markers? what happened to Carver? Where am I? I could hear yelling

Amethyst: "Got it! Hey what do you know it's a picture." As I got up I slowly turn my head to see a bunch of colorful people looking at me seeing this I freak out and landed on the floor backing up to the fireplace as I being to pull out my plasma cutter

"Who are you, people!" I yelled out in a panicked tone the short and purple one stepped toward me

Amethyst: Woah chill out man we're not here to hurt you." hearing this I slowly place my plasma cutter down still being anxious, then the skinny one spoke,

Pearl: "We are the Crystal gems we protect your kind my name is Pearl."

she lent me a hand, and looking at her I reject her offer and stand up on my own she pulls her hand back

"Where am I, who are you, people?"

Pearl: "Well that's Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot.

Amethyst: "Sup"

Lapis: "Hello."

Peridot: "Nice to meet you!"

I was confused by this they were named after gems? "No offense but your names are based on gems." then the purple one spoke

Amethyst: "That's because we are silly." she chuckled

Lapis: "Have you not seen any gems before?" Gems? What the hell is she talking about

"Uh no, do you have anything to drink?" the green gem ran over to the pantry and grabbed a cup poured it in with water and ran to me

Peridot: "Here you go!" weirded out by this I grab the cup and chugged the whole thing feeling the pleasure after I finished drinking, water trickles down my chin I wipe it off 

Lapis: "Wow you were thirsty." the blue "gem" speaks I need to get used to this, first Markers now people as gems? Jesus.

Pearl: "So who are you?" I look at her "my name is Issac."

Dead space crossover Steven universeWhere stories live. Discover now