Ch 16: Everything Ends

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Third Person POV

As everyone was walking in the hallway, the Gems of Homeworld murmured to each other wondering how Jasper was going to destroy Isaac Clarke in many ways. the Diamonds then stopped and reached a tall door with engravings on it. As they stopped, the Gems of Homeworld went into other doors besides the engravement door.

White Diamond: "Well this is it, I wish you the best of luck Clarke, try to be careful I would hate to see you destroyed."

Isaac: "Uh thanks..." The Diamonds proceeded to go went down further in the hallway to reach their room, as they were walking Steven and Pearl turned around giving Isaac a face of worry.

Pearl: "Be careful..." she mouthed, Issac nodded at this, then they turned to the corner with Steven waving goodbye to him. Then they were gone, Issac closed his eyes and turned his head to the door facing down, and sighed.

Isaac: "Time to do this..." as he said that the door opened and Isaac opened his eyes and went in, thousands of Gems were seated around the Arena and were giving Isaac a facial of disgust some even looked away. Everyone knows who he is, because of the Diamonds, speaking of them. High up in front of Isaac, he looked up and saw, the Diamonds sitting on their thrones and were there staring at him along with Steven and Pearl Garnet, and Amethyst with faces of nervousness and fear.

Amethyst: "Yo G can you see if Issac beats Jasper?" Garnet checks and her frown turns into a smile with a bit of fear on her face.

Garnet: "He does, but victory comes with a cost..."

Amethyst: "Oh man..." Isaac then heard another door open Isaac looked down and sees a door opening slowly and inside was Jasper decked out in armor head to toe.

Isaac: "Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me." The Gems of Homeworld proceeded to cheer and clap for the Jaspers' arrival.

Jasper: "Well well well, what do we have here, a human that put up a challenge against the glorious Yellow and Blue Diamond this should be interesting." Jasper said.

White Diamond: "Begin!" As White Diamond yelled out, The match has started and Jasper had an evil smile on her face. She charged at Issac at full speed, she was so fast that the Gems of Homeworld didn't see her coming. But due to Isaac's amazing reaction speed, he rolled out of her way in time

Isaac: "Shit!"As he yelled out Issac pulled out his Plasma cutter, and fired, however, this did nothing but staggered Jasper and gave smudges and scratches on her armor. Now irritated, Jasper turned to Isaac and yelled out a battle cry, and jumped up in the air, Issac jumped out of the way in time, and she missed causing a small creator, Issac was figuring a way to break Jasper's armor, how can you destroy a body of armor? Then a memory clicked in Issac's head, he remembered when he was working on a ship one time Issac was heating a door when it reached its heating point he then cooled it down Issac smashed the door to pieces, her armor wasn't a door but it could be worth a shot. Isaac's thoughts were then interrupted when Jasper yelled out in anger.

Jasper: "Hold still you runt!" Isaac pulled out his flamethrower and fired, Jasper was completely engulfed in flames and was pushed down, by the intense flames. The Gems of Homeworld yelled out in awe, Jasper placed her arms in front of herself trying to shield out the blue flames, but the pain was quickly catching up to her,  she was groaning in pain as her armor reached its melting point, Issac switched to flames to shoot ice and fired again freezing the armor as soon as Issac was going to pull out his Plasma cutter. In an instant, Jasper ignored the pain that was happening and ran toward the caught-off-guard Isaac. Smacking the flame thrower out of his hand, and punching Issac in the face he flew back and hit the wall.

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