Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

'Valentines day is a day for all, but it hurts when theres no one there to catch you when you fall'

Marcie's T.P.P.O.V

The next day was sunny, the sky blue, clouds white. And Marcie was walking down the same street for her third time. Unwilling to admit even to herself that she was lost.

She saw the same man still following her. She knew enough about stalking to know he was indeed stalking her. She took a deep breathe suddenly feeling scared. Her stalking and this stalking where on two different levels.

While she did it in a sort of creepy cute way this guy was just plain creepy. He was average height for a guy 6'0 ft or a little shorter, but still taller than her.

She didn't get a good glimpse she didn't want him to see her staring so that's all she noticed, and when she subtly looked again she took in his way too happy expression and rat-like features with a pointy nose, and horribly slicked back hair.

Not wasting a minute she slowly picked up her pace gradually hoping he'd leave, pretending to look off at a sign she got sight of him to see he was coming closer far closer than she'd expected.

And she was off running like a bat out of...well you know where. Scared for her life she ran and ran past many houses. The gates way to hard and time consuming to climb she looked around helplessly for a house she could run through fast and that's what she found. The grey house was dull, but held something fascinatingly scary to it. Like one of those scary houses in the movie where they all scream at the girl to not go to.....but she still goes.

It looked plain and pretty intimidating, but she didn't have time to think she had to act. Mr. Stalker was getting close. She started to feel gross she called herself Mrs. Stalker initiating her and the creep where married.

'This isn't the time to think about that,' she said internally scolding herself. She was right past the front of the house to the back. She saw the other side of one of the fancier houses and climbed over.

She could almost hear Mr. Stalker's footsteps scaring her slightly causing her to scrape herself as she jumped over the gate to the other side. She felt pleased off herself, the gate stood at close to 7'-8' feet tall.

That was until she heard the barking. Staring at her was one of the most annoying chihuahua's she'd ever came across. He made those annoying noises and before she knew it the dog came at her and she was again running.

Not wanting to take chances she climbed the fence to the next house and the next till she was tired out and laying in someone's backyard.

She heard growling, but this time it wasn't a chihuahua, but two vicious looking pitbulls. She had a big fear of dogs and the sad thing was that they could smell it. She silently wished that it was the chihuahua instead of these scary dogs.

The dogs came at her not giving her time to run, but in the middle of her crying and begging them not to eat her. She realized nothing came at her.

Holding the leash of the dogs a little girl older or the same age as Kayla had stopped them. Marcie had to stop herself from running to the girl and yelling my hero. The girl was way to cute to be true. 'I mean Kayla's cute, but this kid was adorable,' she thought.

Smiling at the girl Marcie looked at her again. The girl had natural whitish blonde hair and her eyes a dull grey that seemed to look everywhere, but her.

"Is there a reason your interrupting my tea potty," the little girl said sitting and running her hand along the dark cafe dog's fur absentmindedly. And that's when Marcie noticed the girl was blind. And those were probably her service dogs.

Signed Your Biggest Stalker *very slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now