Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Forgive and forget is a good motto to go by"

Marcie T.P.P.O.V

"This is my long lost twin Kiro," Marilyn said as Marcie and Diane gasped.

"Your not the only one with the long lost twin meet Rollo my evil twin brother," Sab replied.

"So you lied to me," Marilyn said in a squeaky voice tears coming down her eyes. "I thought you said he was...the gardener," Marilyn said dramatically.

"No you lied to me Marilyn. This is just karma's work," Sab replied as Marilyn slapped him.

"Is Karma also another long lost family member," Marilyn asked her tone laced with sarcasm and bitterness as she looked away.

Sab looked away with a guilty look "yes my wife... Karma," he said earning another slap this time from both Kiro and Marilyn.

"I told he was no good for you? But did you listen?," Marcie asked throwing popcorn at the T.V. As Diane chanted 'hit him again.'

"This has been The Tears of Tomorrow," the monotone voice said.

The music played showing the ending of the show and a 'To Be Continued' sign came on the screen in an eerie white.

"I knew it. I told you he had a twin," Diane said.

"Well I told you he had a secret agenda so I guess we should've listened to each other," Marcie replied. Diane got up hastily looking at the time.

"Oh man I'm going to be late for my date," Diane said.

"Another one," Marcie groaned.

"What happened to that smart guy?," Marcie asked.

"He didn't appreciate my love for art or my creativity," Diane said quickly as Marcie gave her a look.

"Okay so he said he didn't have time for a marriage no less a relationship," Diane said annoyed.

"Ahh. So what am I supposed to do for the next three hours?," Marcie said not liking being alone.

"You can go outside and get some fresh air. I bet the whole things blown over by now. Did you see that cat playing the piano on YouTube?," Diane said smiling as Marcie gave her a look.

"Oh yeah and your father called he said that he would be taking Teresa and Kayla on a trip to Hawaii," Diane rushed out.

"So as soon as I leave for a week. He makes a quick getaway so I can't come back. Whats next are they also going to Tokyo? Mom always wanted to go there too," Marcie said bitterly. Regretting her last sentence. She didn't like bringing up her mom in conversations so freely or angrily.

"Oh honey I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. And besides you get to stay with me. Think about all the fun we can have. He even told me to enroll you school...I'm sorry," Diane said.

"It's not your fault you'll basically being forced to house me for more than a month," Marcie answered forcing a smile.

"Well I already told Reese you wouldn't be doing anything and it is a Saturday so she's invited you to her house," Marcie mumbled an 'okay' considering whether or not to go.

"My life's like a soap opera," Marcie mumbled.

"Tell me about it. You just need a long lost twin and bam! You'll have your own soap opera...Hhhhm that's a good idea I'll call up the cable people tomorrow and talk to them about it," Diane said pretending to consider the idea. Marcie huffed.

"Don't you have a date to go on," Marcie said annoyed.

"Yeah and Marcie 'Save the Tears for Tomorrow'... were going out again!," Diane said laughing as she started for the door.

Signed Your Biggest Stalker *very slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now