Signed Your Biggest Stalker

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Chapter 1 -part 1

'Fan mail is the best kind of mail.'

Travis' T.P.P.O.V

He looked up to see one of his security guards with another bag of fan mail. Honestly where did people get the time of day to make those?

Today was Sunday the day dedicated to looking through the heaps and no we weren't going to look through the entire load, just some of the lucky ones. So closing his eyes he picked the first letter of the day out of my bag.

From Cynthia age 13

'Will you marry me?' and inside the packaged envelope was a ring pop.

He chuckled at it. 'If it was up to them I don't know how many girls I would marry,' he thought. Tossing it aside he picked up another letter.

From Georgia age 17

'Omg I'm like your biggest-'

Next. The replies for him were all the same, so he practically wrote back the same message like 10 times before he got bored of writing back 'Thanks for listening to our music hope you can come to our next concert' and had his manager do it, who had her assistant in the end do it.

But before he left he noticed a couple letters that probably fell out of the bag, but the one on top caught his eye the most.

It was sealed with a sticker of a heart with designs drawn around it like the person did it themselves. He picked it up and turned it around, it was an anonymous no name no age it just said to Maycore Studios, C.A.

He opened it and took it out the letter.

From .......

Hi Travis. My name is scratch that I'm not telling you my name, but I will tell you I'm of dating age ;) So in this letter I'm not going to tell you I'm your biggest fan blah blah blah, because tons of girls tell you that, but I'll tell you that your music is reallly good. No matter what the tabloids seem to dish about you I'll always be at your concerts, signings, and following your group on tour, or basically wherever you go because I've done that since you started the band. You might not know or remember me, but I remember you....stalkerish I know. Well anyways, thanks for reading :)

From yours truly,

Signed- Your biggest stalker

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