Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

'Being different is not a problem it's the normal people that get in the way and make you think it is'

Marcie T.P.P.O.V

"Marcie get up!," Diane screamed from the bottom of the staircase.

Marcie turned around fully ignoring her aunt and divulging her face back into her pillow mumbling a 'never'.

"Marcie don't ignore me young lady," Diane continued when she realized Marcie wouldn't answer.

"Why?," Marcie groaned out loud. What was with people bothering her on the week days.

"We have guests," Diane said "and she'd like to meet you."

"If its Mrs.Coleman I am not watching her cat Tippy no matter how much she pays me. She and her cat are crazy," Marcie replied remembering about how Mrs.Coleman the cat lady had said she and Tippy had a 'connection'. There was laughter a unknown laughter that did not belong to the old cat lady or her aunt.

Marcie got up and headed towards the bathroom toothbrush in hand and when she realized her hair did not want to move from being a huge mess just left it like that.

"Marcie. I'm waiting," her aunt said in a loud impatient sort've sing song voice.

"I'm coming Diane," Marcie yelled putting an emphasis on her name instead of calling her aunt.

Soon there was loud noise and more yelling from her aunt. 'The lady won't give up today,' Marcie thought dryly.

And deciding it was about time before her aunt decided to yell more, left the room toothbrush in her mouth, bed hair and everything.

"What?," Marcie said irritably the sound coming out muffled because of the toothbrush in her mouth.

Behind her aunt was a young girl about Marcie's age or a little older. She observed Marcie from head to toe and had a gigantic smile on her face, but Marcie paid no mind to her.

"You were calling dearest aunt, owner of a crazy cat, sister to my mother, friend of crazy cat lady, and lover of the arts," Marcie said in a muffled try to be sweet and elegant sort of way.

"Yes," Diane smiled "this" she said gesturing to Marcie "is my niece."

"Wow she looks exactly like you," the girl said with a wicked amused smile. Not wanting to call her 'the girl' all the time since she called the girls she didn't like that she decided on calling her Sector B.

"Oh hush up," Diane said.

"We aren't anything alike except for maybe blood...that's about it," Marcie said lazily. As the girl laughed she recognized it as the one she heard upstairs.

"Well since you don't get out the house enough and don't make a lot of friends I decided to share some of mine with you. You're welcome!," Diane smiled back at Marcie.

"Yeah. No," Marcie replied shutting down the idea instantly. She didn't want friends she didn't like the idea of 'friends.' And Sector B seemed like a different, courageous person something she wasn't it wasn't really a match made in heaven. 'And sitting her doing nothing until the concert tonight is better,' her mind told her.

"I apologize if my aunt dragged you into this. I don't really need friends especially not ones picked out for me," she said the last part directly at her aunt.

"Come on I'm lots of fun. We can go on a tour, eat take out, eat Raman Noodles...other foods and beverages you may or may not like," Sector B said with a slight smile.

Marcie looked pleadingly at her aunt who was giving her a 'your going' look.

"Can I at least finish brushing and getting dressed," Marcie huffed out in defeat.

"Sure who was stopping you?," Diane said with a winning smirk. Marcie muttering incomprehensible words while marching back up the stairs. Life was not fair.

Getting dressed, brushing, and eating a cupcake she found in her room. She came down stairs to see her aunt and Sector B laughing in the art room.

"Now you look way better," Diane smiled. Marcie mumbled a 'thanks'.

She decided to really take in the girls appearance now. Something she hadn't done before in the kitchen.

She had on a oversized black shirt with graffiti on it and wore long white leggings underneath. Her hair was the part that really caught Marcie though, blonde hair with little pink streaks donned in a pixie cut hairstyle. She could tell this girl probably had a lot of friends and was pretty cool.

Marcie started to feel a little undressed next to her. Standing in her 'Breakout' band tee she got last year and black jeans her hair up in a long ponytail it wasn't all that interesting.

The girl once again looked at Marcie's clothes, but stopped at her shirt. With a sort've almost there smile. 'Whats wrong with my shirt?,' Marcie thought defensively.

"I don't think we really got introductions done my names Reese. I like art, drawing, writing stories,," Reese said with a cheeky smile. A cheeky smile Marcie recognized. Even though Marcie didn't admit it Reese was a pretty name and she loved Reese's Pieces even though she wouldn't say it out loud.

"I'm Marcie. I don't like ducks, duck faces, fishes, spiders,," Marcie said softly shaking the girls outstretched hand.

"Not yet," Reese replied with a wicked smile.

"Ahh the beginning of a wonderful friendship," Diane said pretending to cry and taking out a handkerchief wiping her non-existent tears.

"Let's just go," Marcie replied in what she hoped was a bored 'I have so much other things I could do right now' voice.

But Reese just smiled at her linking there arms together and skipping with her to the door singing 'where off to see the wizard'.

'Oh brother' Marcie thought. She was in for it this time.

***Authors Note: I know its probably one of my latest updates, but I hope you enjoyed anyways. Thanks for reading!-unedited

Signed Your Biggest Stalker *very slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now