Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Hey you wanna play hide and seek," -girl

"Sure. Why not?," -boy

When she finds him "You don't hide so well you must really want me to find you."

Marcie's T.P.P.O.V

Hiding in the garbage was not fun. Her skin felt icky, and she was starting to feel the icy gooey shake that someone just threw in go down her back. Did people not have mercy? She was proven correct when someone threw in a dirty towel and ran off while her aunt went in one of the rooms to clean. Her exact words 'hey I still have to do my job.'

Knocking on the side of the huge garbage disposal she felt her aunt knock back telling her the coast was clear. Needing a breather she got up for ten seconds before she was forcefully pushed back down. Way to use the signal.

Resting her head against the inside of the garbage disposal she tried to listen to the conversation. What were they talking about? Was her aunt...flirting that...minx. Hearing snippets of the conversation she found herself getting closer to the top of the can.

"Wow you look so young," the man said

"Yeah I get that a lot," Diane replied. Rolling her eyes Marcie now knew where the lady got her ego-boosts from and her cockiness. As they continued on the same way for an hour Marcie decided to have some fun with this.

Since her aunt wasn't taking her signals to go seriously. And when they went into hard-core flirting she started gagging and hitting the inside of the bin.

"What's that noise?," the man asked who Marcie found out through the conversation his name was David.

"Umm ugh it was this this rat and I caught it and I guess it still has a little life left in him. Die rat die!," her aunt yelled kicking the side of the bin. Marcie would've laughed at her aunts horribleness at lying and poorly picked words if it wasn't for the fact her aunt hit hard and she could feel the impact in the bin still. Rubbing her head and still feeling dizzy Marcie finally regained composure and heard a laugh.

How that man found her funny was amazing who in there right mind says 'die rat die' in front of a man who could be a possible date or husband even. And before she could withdraw that statement her mind told her 'the lady wasn't getting any younger'. Hearing them utter the remainders of there goodbyes and the exchanging of phone numbers. Marcie heard the steps growing faint and the weight against the trash bin.

"So that went well," Marcie voiced hearing her aunt shriek in the process making her laugh.

Marcie wasn't prepared for what she saw her aunt the confident, cocky lady was full on blushing and looked incredibly shy. Marcie prayed she wouldn't act like that if she ever talked to Travis.

"Sorry I forgot you where there," Diane uttered sheepishly.

"Yeah I kind of figured that out like an hour ago," she smiled.

Her aunt was on edge for most of the day her face still red and Marcie could tell she was scolding herself for her choice of words.

"If it helps I don't think he noticed and if he did he thought it was pretty......cute,"Marcie said feeling content with her words since her aunt lightened up and seemed to agree. Officially ending the internal battle Marcie won this one Marcie thought fist pumping.

With a amused smile Diane looked at Marcie "Gonna open that door anytime soon or are we going to wait outside and stare at it"

"Maybe we shouldn't be here doing this it all seems way too easy and....," Marcie said looking for the right words.

Signed Your Biggest Stalker *very slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now