Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

'The best kind of surprise is the one that not only surprises the person, but you too.'

Travis T.P.P.O.V

He smiled before picking up his pen and giving Marie his manager's assistant the 'ok' to leave.

He was about to start writing when he realized there no address to send it too. Suddenly the feeling of wanting to respond and talk to this girl grew.

He couldn't stop thinking about her and then......his manager called.

Picking up the phone he held back a frown, a signing on such short notice, back in his hometown too. He didn't know, but the feeling he had in his stomach had him on his toes. He felt like something was going to happen.

What were the odds she lived there? One in a million, but he still didn't want to decline. It was his hometown after all he couldn't just skip out on his fans. So telling Bree his manager it was alright he accepted the offer.

A loud banging on the door had him up again. What was with people disturbing him at all hours. Standing in front of him was Brandon his lead guitarist and safe to say his best friend.

"So I hear where heading back to Michigan." Brandon said with a wide grin. Yes Brandon and him both came from there it's were the band all started.

"Yeah," Travis said smiling lightly.

They both heard screaming from outside and went towards the window. Brandon chuckled.

"Aww the screaming fans one of favorite parts of the job," he said smiling down at the girls.

And upon seeing him...

They screamed 'I love you Brandon'.

Making him smile ear to ear "See even though your the leader they love me more."

And just to upset him Travis pushed Brandon out of the way.

And the screams were even louder and more ear piercing then before "Oh my gosh look it's Travis," they said all forgetting Brandon was there. And Travis couldn't hold back the wry grin that made him look like a Chesire cat. Brandon just glared at him and punched Travis in the arm.

Marcie's T.P.P.O.V

"Owwww what was that for," she said glaring lightly at Kayla.

"You told me too," and with that Kayla walked out.

For the rest of the day she thought about him and when she woke up, she couldn't stop thinking about the letter either. Did he get it? If he did why didn't he respond?

And then like a slap in the face she remembered she didn't write a address. Muttering a profanity of curses under her breathe she continued walking feeling stupid of herself.

She wanted to continue writing to him anonymously it was safe for both of them that way. He would now be receiving letters from the libraries address. Feeling proud of herself for coming up with an ingenious plan she walked into the library with a smile on her face.

Passing a picture of Travis on her way in. Wait a picture of Travis?!?! She turned back suprised that she didn't bump into someone and there it was on the wall him in all his glory a signing at the library tommorow night. It was her chance, and she wasn't about to let it go.

Travis' T.P.P.O.V

He looked at the crowd once more and then walked back from the window the the living room sitting on one of the plump cushions and putting his feet up on the recliner.

Signed Your Biggest Stalker *very slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now