Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

'Sometimes I sit and think about myself really really hard and realize...some people can't handle someone so amazing.'

Travis P.O.V

I couldn't help, but re-read some of her letters, I couldn't lie the girl was quirky, very strange, but that's what kept my interest. When my idiot best friend Drake told me I should just write the dang letter and stop stalling and wasting paper and time, I finally realized maybe he had finally said something wise and helpful in his life. And now here I am still sitting with a blank paper addressed to the library I was at a few days ago.

Feeling a paper ball hit my head I scowled at Drake.

"Dude write the letter," Drake said.

"I'm trying," I said irritation leaking through my words.

"Okay then let's hear some of those miraculous ideas," he said rolling his eyes and laying his head back on the bed rest or should I say my bed rest.

"I don't really have any yet," I said keeping the scowl intact.

"How about 'Hey I'm Travis-," I take back the statement about him being wise. Chucking the pillow at his head he groaned.

"What was that for?

"She already knows my name stupid should I also tell her my favorite colors pink and I love rainbows."

"Yeah then she'd think your gay and would stop writing the dang letters and we could all get on with our lives," blocking him out I kept thinking and finally found my inspiration and started to write..........

Marcie's P.O.V

Dear Ms. Stalker,

I have to say you are probably one of the weirdest, and most honest person I've ever met. And honestly it caught me by suprise. Maybe you can come to my next concert that is if you still have a 'weird obsession' with me as your sister likes to call it. And I almost forgot to ask, how exactly do I know you?

Btw: You look good as a blonde, but next time I see you, could you leave the wig and the rest of your spy wear at home ;)

Sincerely, Travis Mccoy, California Studios

With the letter in hand I could've died a happy women. It was totally worth the 16.99 spy-wet kit which allowed you to read even the wettest of papers or see the smallest of germs. Even with the 4.99 extra fast shipping I couldn't have hoped for better results. It's not like I was paying either ways, mom's credit card. Doing a happy dance around the room I smiled.

"He likes me oh yeahhh he really really like me," I sang twirling around with the tickets in hand. I felt like Charlie after he got the golden ticket and yeah I was feeling pretty damn good.

I danced and sang until I heard my neighbor start yelling and the barking of their ghastly annoying dog Richard and daughter Mary. Just incase your confused Mary was really the one barking Richard seemed to shutup today until the Queen of the Fleas showed up. Dad was right when he told me I should always keep my windows closed it kept burglars out and it kept me from talking to the witch.

"Hey Marcie can you shutup, your singing is horrible and your dance moves are as lame as you," Mary said rudely opening her window more.

"You shutup Mary don't be jealous and I'm not lame at all so ha," I said putting emphasis on her name.

"Well whatever guess what I got?," she said with an annoying smirk.

"Another facelift, botox, some surgical repair needed to fix any or all of that," I said gesturing to her much to my dissapointment, beautiful face and body.

"No! I got the last tickets to see Travis with backstage passes sweety and want to know a secret...... there sold out," she said the last part softly before breaking out into pig-like laughter.

"Want to know a secret.....I do too," I replied smiling at her suprised expression. I was ready for the shrieking, the fireworks, and all the other things she could possibly scream about but it never came.

Good thing I remembered to close my window. Thanks for the tip dad.

***Author Note: Okay so I wanted to try something new, so instead of third person point of view all the time I was thinking of switching it up sometimes and maybe doing the persons P.O.V's. So this happens to be one of those special occasions since its Valentines Day. Hope it wasn't bad, a long wait and I didn't even get to check if it had any grammatical issues, which I'm sure it did. I'm really sorry for the long wait blame school. And since this chapter wasn't one of my best I'll upload a better more spectacular one next time. Promises. :*) I can't wait!!!!! Thanks for reading!

Signed Your Biggest Stalker *very slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now