Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

'Do you understand that saying your stuck between a rock and a hard basically another rock, right?'

Marcie's T.P.P.O.V

"Marcie what are you doing sleeping on the porch?" She knew that voice. Her aunt. Diane.

"I thought you were at the art convention for another week?" Marcie said groggily rubbing her sore back.

"I was, but I came back early. So back to my earlier question what are you doing sleeping outside?"

"Me and Chester got in a fight." Marcie mumbled.

"And I'm guessing he won." Diane finished amusedly.

"No he just fit through the doggy door and I couldn't." Marcie said remembering how all last night she tried to squeeze herself through it. It was painful and stupid.

"Don't tell me you tried." Diane said amusedly.

"No." Marcie said, her face beet red. How could her aunt read her so well. 'Am I always so unspontaneous?,' she thought. 'Yes,' her brain replied.

"You know I taught Chester how to open the front door in case I ever forgot my keys. Maybe if you were nicer he would've opened it." Marcie stood there her mouth agape. That sneaky brown noser had her sleeping outside like a dog. She promised she'd get revenge on him. The cats sleeping outside today.

"Yeah sure he would. It's not that he's evil and out to get me. No that's preposterous." Marcie said sarcastically.

Just as they walked in the little devil greeted her aunt by the door. Rubbing his dirty looking fur all over her leg, dirty thing was probably trying to clean itself on her aunt, and Diane was smiling at it as if it was being sweet.

'Let's see how she'd react if I hugged her in mud,' Marcie thought dryly.

She marched up to her room and took a cold shower and brushed her teeth. Exiting the bathroom she walked back into her bedroom and sat down. Dragging her laptop in front of her.

She felt the presence of something, of a animal. Stupid cat. It went closer to her bed looking around and at her laptop curiously.

"You know curiosity killed the cat." She told the feline dryly. She knew it wasn't true, god knows the vicious thing would've been dead a long time ago. And not bugging her life.

"Out. I'm busy looking for a job!" She demanded pointing to the door. Chester just stared at her and ten seconds later they were having a miniature stare off.

"What are you doing?" Diane asked as Marcie blinked. 'Curses,' she thought.


"Well I'm heading out-and don't kill the cat while I'm gone." Diane said when exiting.

"No promises." Marcie muttered. She wouldn't actually dream of killing it, but then again she wouldn't have nightmares about it either.

'You won this round,' Marcie thought looking Chester dead in the eye. 'Again,' her brain chipped in. 'Again,' she said begrudgedly.

"Ok so last week I applied for nine jobs. Lets see who replied." She said more to herself than Chester as she clicked on her inbox.

"Two!?" She shrieked. Chester meowed loudly as if snickering.

"What?" She asked. "You think you could do better?" Chester just meowed as if to say 'please all nine would have responded.' What a conceited little kitty.

The first job that replied was as a receptionist for a florist company. Why she applied for it? Nobody knows, not even her.

And the second as a waiter, a job she always hated. People could be so mean to them. The job was as a waiter/cook at the 'Chilly Emporium.' She hated Chilly.

There was knocking on the door and at first she ignored it, but then the knocks became louder and in a repetitive pattern like they were trying to make music. Reese.

She stood outside the door with a batch of cookies. 'What a dork,' Marcie laughed.

"So how was job hunting?" Reese asked inviting herself in.

"Great." Marcie chirped plopping down on the couch. It was a lie, they both knew it. Marcie never chirped. Birds do that.

"I narrowed it down to two jobs as a receptionist and a waiter cook person." Marcie continued. It was a lie, well half of one.

"Why those?" Reese questioned suspiciously.

"Because I love those jobs." Marcie said as Reese looked at her incredulously.

"Those are the only ones that replied back. Aren't they?" Reese said it as more of answer than a question.


"And I don't know how to do either." Marcie groaned.

"Don't worry I have a plan." Reese smiled, scaring Marcie a little. Reese's plans were just as bad as hers.

Marcie reached for a cookie. Just to get her hand smacked.

"No cookies for you till you finish training." When Reese left the room Marcie sneaked a cookie. Ok maybe two.

"What did I tell you?" Reese said when she came back. Her hands on her hips like a parent would do.

"No cookie." Marcie said shoving the second cookie in her mouth so Reese wouldn't take it. Causing crumbs to fall out all over the couch as Marcie smiled sheepishly dusting them off. Reese just rolled her eyes and pulled Marcie up from the couch.

"We have work to do."

Marcie reached for another cookie.

"Don't touch that!" Reese yelled smacking her hands. She really did have some serious work to do.

*** Thanks for Reading!

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