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The whole day the two boys talk about random things cuddling each other. They didn't want to get up from the bed but obviously Jin took them for breakfast by hook or by crook.

When the whole week past by all the 7 boys had become really good friends. They had a wonderful time here. It was like a paradise for them. Today is the last of their vacation and they will part ways at the airport.

" what are you thinking Taebear."

"I don't want to go hyung. Can't we stay here forever?" he asked with a pout.

" Do you really want to live here? Without your Kookie? He is leaving too." Jimin said with a smirk. And met with a pillow on his face immediately.

"Meanie." Taehyung was pouting again. These days spent here was the most precious moments in his life. He doesn't want to go back where he will miss his bunny.

" We have to go Tae. Come on pick up your bags. We will miss our flight."

Again with a pout Tae picked up his bags to the car.


At the airport.

Two couples were hugging each other not wanting to leave and 3 pairs of eyes were watching them with heart eyes.

The vacation ended so obviously they have to return to their home but our newly made couples don't want to leave each other. Specially Vmin who were clinging to their lovers.

" we will meet soom babe." Jungkook said caressing his hair.

" But I will miss you Kookie ." Taehyung said without raising his head.

" We live literally 2 hours away from you guys. You can visit us anytime." Yoongi said with a teasing smile.

" But it's 2 HOURS. And I won't be able to cuddle you Yoonie." Jimin said pouting his lips.

" Aww my babe wanna cuddle. I promise to visit you every weekend ok babe. " he said pecking his lips.

" Come on boys. I'm tired let's go home." Jin said getting inside the cab.

Vmin looked at their partners with sad eyes. It's not like they are parting forever but they didn't want to be separated for 1 day too. But still they need to get back home.


Taehyung lied on the bed watching their photos on his phone. Remembering the moments they spend together on the vacation. He sometimes wonder how he got so lucky to meet him. But he also fears if this moment is only for today.

He was lost in the memories when his phone ringed.

" K-Kookie..." He shutter trying to hold his tears.

" I miss you too love." Taehyung blushed in the new nick name. He loves the way Jungkook calls him with different names.

"What are you doing love?"

"I-I was watching our photos." A tear rolled down his cheeks.

It was silent for a while nobody dared to speak but both knew they missed each other. Taehyung sniffed silently.

" We just met 2 weeks ago Kookie. Then why am I missing you this much. Its hurting. "

He said wiping his eyes. He hide his face in the pillow trying not to cry loudly. It's amaze him how this bunny looking man has become so important to him just in 2 weeks that he is crying to be in his embrace. He is crying to feel him.

" If you open your window I will be able to wipe your tears away angel."

" Huh?" Taehyung raised his head and turned back to see his window.

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