Scene 1 - Shadow Axis invasion

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(Opening titles)

Mankind is ever-expanding the frontiers of technical superiority into areas unknown and uncharted. Each quest promises marvellous discoveries, but each also brings potential danger. In direct response to the dangers of our advanced technology, we need an organization that is ready to mobilize dramatic survival resources at a moment's notice. Conceptions in rescue that can challenge the impossible. Thunderbirds 2086!

The Thunderbirds! Five of the finest cadets in the world, dedicated to the service of mankind, wherever he may be in distress, combined with a dazzling array of vehicles and equipment designed to specifications in the space-age technology of the 21st century. A special rescue squad, ready to answer a last-chance distress call. A call that could arrive at any time from any disaster scene on or off this planet. These are the Thunderbirds 2086!"

We are presented with the opening title of "Terror Beneath Argus City". This then cuts to view Thunderbird 6 orbiting the planet Earth in space, hearing the instrument panels and busy whirring of the satellite technology. We hear a voice communicating from Thunderbird 6, filled with dozens of personnel listening into communications on Earth and beyond the stars. Those inside Thunderbird 6 are never seen. The voice that speaks is the satellite's Space Controller. Commander Simpson, based on the Arcology's voice is also heard replying to the Controller. We are presented with the sights of space, the sun, stars, the planet Earth, and the wonderful universe around us.

Space Controller:

This is Thunderbird 6 to International Rescue Arcology, making routine report here, Commander Simpson. We have no serious threats to report from here.

We then suddenly see a wave of asteroids zooming towards Thunderbird 6. A powerful, undetected wave of meteors gush towards the satellite!

Emergency, control! Emergency! Asteroids! Bearing 109! An undetected wave, headed for our satellite!

Commander Simpson:

Take evasive action, Thunderbird 6! Take evasive action!

Meteorites thrash against Thunderbird 6. CRASH! POW! Some of the satellite takes a serious beating. We see a monitor showing the words in red "EMERGENCY! DANGER!". We continue to see Thunderbird 6 being attacked as the satellite tries to drive away from the storm.

Space Controller:

We can't get out of it! We can't get out of it! Some of our lasers have been knocked out.

Commander Simpson:

Try to retaliate best you can!

POW! CRASH! BANG! KAPOW! Laser canons begin firing at the meteors, destroying the meteors. ZAM! POW! POW! KABOOM!

The new warp drive must not be damaged. At all costs!

A bright yellow, shining light beams from deep space with the incoming asteroids. It projects into the satellite. As the asteroids and the firing continue, we hear the sinister voice of Star Crusher...

Star Crusher:

Oh, puny Earthmen! You fight your asteroid invasion well. My swarm of undetected meteors may not destroy your precious Thunderbird 6, but your new warp drive engine will be in my hands. Your International Rescue will be at its knees. And your universe.

Space Navigator:

Star Crusher! And the Shadow Axis! They're behind this! They can't take our warp drive! They must not be allowed to!

The beam takes out a high tech engine from Thunderbird 6.

No! Our engine!

Thunderbird 6 is then sent hurtling into space, spinning out of control as it tries to stabilise. The asteroid belt dies out. Star Crusher wickedly laughs.

Star Crusher:

Thank you, Earthmen. I shall be taking your warp drive. Now, thanks to your incompetent efforts, I have access to anywhere and anywhen in the universe. I can access and cause as much destruction and chaos as I demand. Star Crusher will be avenged!

The ray carrying the warp drive beams back into deeper space. Star Crusher now had a warp drive, as the entity said, that will enable it to travel anywhere or anywhen in the universe as desired...

Thunderbirds 2086/Thunderbirds of Remnant: Terror Beneath Argus CityWhere stories live. Discover now