Scene 12 - She's Falling!

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More rocks tumble around the bathyscape, denting the craft and shaking it. Dr. Zod doesn't take the terrifying situation well, groaning and gurning as he drips sweat. Thunderbird 4 arrives at a dead end – only this is where the rock fall was.


I'm at the area. But there's a dead end. Yeah. They're behind this rockfall. Firing missiles, now.

Missiles fly from Thunderbird 4. BANG! KABOOM! KABOOM! Rocks tumble around Thunderbird 4 and the bathyscape. The men inside the bathyscape scream. Apps makes the situation worse by freeing a swarm of tumbling rocks. He fires at them as he is attacked. BAM! KABOOM! The disturbed rocks settle. Apps sees the bathyscape lying on the ocean bed.

I've found them, Kieron! I've found them!

The crumbling tower is giving way!


Right, then beat it, Apps! Get the heck out of there!

KABOOM! BANG! The metal is being torn away from the tower!


Thunderbird 1! The metal on the tower is breaking off from your grabs! She's going to go any minute!

KABOOM! KABANG! SNAP! POW! Thunderbird 4 approaches over the bathyscape. The magnetic grabs accessories extend from the craft and clamp onto the bathyscape. There is a massive thump inside the craft.

Dr. Zod:

This is the end! The end for us all!

Thunderbird 4 lifts the craft up carefully. More rocks begin shaking and toppling in around them. Apps sets off quickly yet cautiously like Kallan did on the volcanic island. The metal begins to peel off from the tower. SSNNAPPP! CRUNCH! BANG! It breaks off. The metal still clings onto the grabs of the Thunderbirds, but the skyscraper topples down!



The tower collapses. CRASH! KABOOM! KAROAR! The underground rivers cave in! Water bubbles and fizzes. Rocks crash and tumble, caving in the rivers. Thunderbird 4 quickly blasts out before they are buried alive underneath the rubble. CRUMBLE! CRUMBLE! CRASH! BOOM! POW! The rivers were destroyed. Thunderbird 4 gushes out with the bathyscape. We see Kallan's Thunderbird 4 and Stingray waiting outside.


He's done it. He's done it! Well done, Apps.

We see Apps in Thunderbird 4 rising up to the surface. The craft floats up to the water with the bathyscape.

Dr. Zod:

They did it! They did it! We're safe! We're safe! Hooray!

Dr. Remond:

Calling International Rescue. International Rescue, come in please? This is Dr. Remond of Deep Sea Bathyscape Alpha 2. Hopefully with the power back on we should still be able to communicate.

Apps' voice is heard on the radio.


This is International Rescue. Receiving you loud and clear. You will be awaiting pick up from Thunderbird 2. The military will take care of you and see that you are safe.

Dr. Remond:

Thank you International Rescue. Dr. Zod, the rest of the crew and I are eternally grateful for you for saving our lives.

Dr. Zod:

Thank you International Rescue! Thank you!

Kallan is shocked.


Huh? Is that the same Dr. Zod we had to rescue before?


Sounds like it Kallan. It's interesting to compare universes how some aspects are still the same. Such as people and rescuers.

KABOOM! KABOOM! A huge, thundering rattle shakes.


Sorry. Don't mind that. We had clearance to drop the towers safely. There was no one in the area this time, thankfully.


Now to deal with Star Crusher once and for all...

Thunderbirds 2086/Thunderbirds of Remnant: Terror Beneath Argus CityWhere stories live. Discover now