Scene 14 - Good Friends

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We cut to see Ozpin Island at nighttime. The lights are lit. Thunderbird 17, with all the other Thunderbirds vehicles from Dylan's International Rescue inside, is parked back on the beach as the tide picks up. A celebration is held on the island. Music plays, as party confetti flies with decorations, food, and drink. Kieron's International Rescue wear smart suits, whereas Dylan's friends remain in their outfits. The party-goers mix in with each other delightfully in the lounge. The group we fade over to has Dylan, Kallan, Hanson, Kieron, Jonson, and Lily in.


I suppose it seems appropriate to hold such an eventful get-together after the success of today.


Even if it's already been done before.


And Star Crusher and the Shadow Axis are imprisoned here for good. Impenetrable, you might call their escape route.


We will look after them here. And see they don't escape.


It's beautiful here at Ozpin. And your International Rescue operates totally in secrecy?


Correct. We have strict security here at our International Rescue. No photos, no videos, no interviews, nothing.


The whole secrecy thing is quite different at our base at the Arcology.


It's been a pleasure to meet ourselves. Even if we did get off on the wrong foot a little.


It has been fun, Dylan. Well, we hope we don't meet us again.

They all laugh.


Oh, Dylan. Do we have to leave?


Sorry, Kallan. Duty calls. We came to get the warp drive back and stop Star Crusher, remember? I've had just as much fun here as you have.


Can we ensure you guys keep our secret about our island?


On behalf of the International Rescue organisation, of all International Rescue organisations, you can bet on it.




Seems as though it's time we started getting back.


Maybe with your warp drive technology, you might be able to come and see us again at some point.


Consider that a promise, Kieron.

Dylan and Kieron humbly shake hands. We then cut to the beach. Kieron and his friends watch from the island. Dylan and his friends prepare to leave.


Systems active and primed.


Well, here we go. Back to Earth. With our new warp drive this time. Here we go.

KABOOM! Thunderbird 17 blasts up from the island and slowly blasts upwards into the sky. The craft then powers its engines up, and then folds into warp drive. Thunderbird 17 disappears back to Earth – a magnificent sight for Kieron and his friends.


So cool. I'm beat. I need some sleep.

Apps leaves.



He yawns.

Maybe we'll clean up the mess tomorrow morning.

The others leave, all except Kieron. He happily stares up into the night sky. We end by seeing a shiny flashing star zooming across space...

The Classic Thunderbirds titles begin. The structure of the credits follows the usual format. The cast and crew for 2086 will be inserted where suitable in the format of the Classic Thunderbirds.


Thunderbirds 2086/Thunderbirds of Remnant: Terror Beneath Argus CityWhere stories live. Discover now