Scene 9 - Holding It Up

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We then see Thunderbird 17 flying through the sky, and then cut inside to the crew.


Argus City course plotted from position given to us by Thunderbird 5. Feels odd talking about the different Thunderbirds.


ETA to the danger zone now two minutes.


We should begin to deploy. Hanson, you keep Thunderbird 17 under control. Kallan, you will join with Thunderbird 2. I will fly in Thunderbird 1.


Copy that, Dylan.

We see Thunderbird 17 approaching Argus City in the distance. The interconnected Thunderbirds 1, 2, and 3 fly alongside Thunderbird 17. Thunderbird 3 remains on with Thunderbird 2, but Thunderbird 1 breaks off.


Thunderbird 1, away!

Thunderbird 2 descends down to the sea, where Thunderbird 4 can be deployed to the island.


Thunderbird 4 away! En route to the volcanic island. ETA five minutes.

Thunderbirds 1, 2, and 17 hover over the city carefully.


A fine mess Star Crusher has made of the place.


What do we know about the city?


Argus is a vital trading city between continents and kingdoms. The city defences, relay tower, and memorial park have all been trashed in the storm. The military are handling the situation on the ground well. So that's something.


We need to keep the towers under control in case they fall. If they do, the bathyscape is finished!

CRUNCH! KABOOM! BAM! SMASH! One of the skyscrapers is about to topple over! CRUNCH! SLAM! POW! So is another one. Thunderbird 1 flies over one, fires a grapple at it and supports its weight.

I've got this one. But this isn't the only one going down.


Don't worry Dylan, we've got this one. And when Kieron's boys arrive, they will help the city out further.


Thunderbird 1 to Kieron's Thunderbird 1, what is your estimated time to arrival?

We cut to see Kieron's Thunderbird 1, flying to the left of the screen.


Dylan, my ETA is in the next three minutes. Thunderbird 1 to Thunderbird 2?

This then cuts to Thunderbird 2, a shot supplied by more stock footage.


Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 2, we are approaching danger zone in the next ten minutes. Apps is going in with Stingray to help look for the bathyscape. Its position is keyed onto its sonar.


We will be arriving first before Stingray gets here.

Another tower begins crumbling at its feet. Thunderbird 2 arrives overhead.


Releasing hydraulic grabs now.

A grab fires at the tower from the bottom of Thunderbird 2, splattering onto it and supporting the weight of it.

Holding her steady.


The other Thunderbird 2 will be arriving to assist. But I heard they had to drop of their Thunderbird 4 too.

We cut to see Thunderbird 2 blasting down towards the sea. The usual stock footage accompanies the shot. The pod is dropped onto the ocean. SPLASH! Thunderbird 2 then blasts away as the flap to Pod 4 is opened. A ramp is elevated into the water and we see Apps in Thunderbird 4, blasting into the sea. SPLASH! The craft dives into the ocean, deeper and deeper to the ocean bed.


Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 4, am approaching the ocean wall.

Thunderbird 2, with the recollected pod, slowly flies over the city. We hear the radio communications between the Thunderbirds.


Thunderbird 2 to Captain Beyda in Thunderbird 1, what is the situation at Argus?


We need to keep these skyscrapers standing as best as possible. If anymore go over then the men in the bathyscape are gonners.


F.A.B, Thunderbird 1. Commencing sweep.

Thunderbird 4 begins to approach the tunnel where the bathyscape entered. Apps contacts Stingray, and we hear Sarah's voice on the radio.


I am at the danger zone now, Stingray. I am going in.


Ok, Apps. You go in and we will follow.


The passages are thin. We might not be able to get both ships in easily. I have their signal. And will follow onto it.

Thunderbird 4 carefully enters. We see the trapped bathyscape in the tunnel. Apps begins to call them. We hear him on the radio.

Deep Sea Bathyscape Alpha 2, this is International Rescue. We are on our way to rescue you. What is your position?

Dr. Remond:

International Rescue. Thank goodness. Our controls are unresponsive. Water is sinking into our engines, and into the control cabin. We have to turn off our engines soon otherwise everything will be electrocuted.


F.A.B. Bathyscape. Do that. We have your position. Be arriving ASAP.

Dr. Zod:

We're saved! By all saviours, we are saved!

We see Stingray accelerating through the depths, nearing the rescue area.


Stingray to Thunderbird 1, we are approaching Argus City. What is the situation in the sky?

Thunderbirds 2086/Thunderbirds of Remnant: Terror Beneath Argus CityWhere stories live. Discover now