Scene 5 - Tectonic Plates

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We return back to the world of Remnant. The camera shows an active volcanic writhing with lava and ash in the middle of the sea. Star Crusher's presence is sounded with the creepy Mysteron music, and a spaceship approaching the island from above in the sky. This was the Shadow Axis arriving! We hear the sinister voice of Star Crusher, and see the island with the bubbling volcano and its lava.

Star Crusher:

Hmmm ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Success! Paramount success! The warp drive has allowed the Shadow Axis totally freedom from our universe into a new dimension. This world will suit perfectly in our conquest of the entire cosmos. Remnant shall be our first steppingstone in Star Crusher's full and total victory of supremacy.

A bright light beams done onto the island from the sky, onto the grass on the island within walking distance of the angry volcano. Three grey bracelets, identical to the ones from 30 Minutes After Noon, drop like a stone to the island.

The Shadow Axis breeds in chaos and inferno. The tectonic plate that tuns along past this volcanic island shall soon explode. A perfect pinpoint to disrupt the natural balances of this world. By upsetting this volcanic island, lava and ash beyond the wildest dreams of any inferior human will be released. The chaos and inferno we breed shall be released across Remnant, and soon this world shall descend into nightmare and death. Through this, it shall break this world in half like an egg and blow Remnant into dust, and Star Crusher shall be avenged!

Star Crusher continues to laugh maniacally. The activity of the volcano steadily worsens, and the bracelets begin to smoke.

The bracelets are charged and primed. Combined with the mix of hot lava, the gateway from the crusts of Remnant shall be free! And encapsulate all things! All things!

The spaceship begins to disappear into the clouds.

The first sector Star Crusher will strike in millions is the city known as Argus.

The ship and Star Crusher go away, but the volcano is still furiously angry. The bracelets keep smoking, as fire and ash spurt up from the volcano...

Thunderbirds 2086/Thunderbirds of Remnant: Terror Beneath Argus CityWhere stories live. Discover now