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I get out of my tent with my headphones on so I don't hear Bella and River, so I unfortunately walk in on them "oh my god" turning around "sorry!" I yell.

"What's going on?" Jacob comes over and Seth's in his wolf form.

"Nothing" I say just as Bella comes over with her hair a mess "congratulations" I hug my sister, she did it. My sister finally did it, I'm so proud of her.

"Thanks" she blushes and I laugh, the wolves look confused "also" she shows me the ring, yeah River asked for mine and dads permission to marry Bella. Even though they've known each other for a little over a month I swear Bella can't stop talking about him.

(Bella's engagement ring)

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(Bella's engagement ring)

"Okay" Jacob says "I'm heading down to the battle" he says before leaving, Seth, Bella, River and I wait up here till the battle is over.

After some time "Someone's here" River says, soon we see Riley Biers walk towards us. A tree branch shakes some snow and we see a red head, River uses his powers and both vampires are locked in the bubble.

He brings both vampires to us, I grab a lighter and throw it into the bubble. Because of the bubble we watch the two vampires burn. When they are nothing but ash I turn to Seth "can you take me down the mountain?" He nods his head, I get on his back and we leave.

When we get to the battle field we watch as a huge pyre burns most of the vampires, River is holding Bella in his arms. Leah, one of the La Push shifters goes after a newborn when River uses his powers and throws him into the pyre.

"Their coming" Alice has a vision, I'm by Dydme and River had Bella in his arms bunch to Edwards displeasure.

"The wolves need to leave" Carlisle tells them "the Volturi won't honor the truce" because their rings are off you can see Didyme and Rivers true nature of being cold one vampires. We watch as four of the guards come from the tree line, taking their cloaks off it's Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix. The elite guard.

"Impressive" Jane looks around "I've never seen a coven survive an attack of newborns of this magnitude before"

"We were lucky" Carlisle tells her

"I doubt" then she sees Dydime "Dydime?" The Volturi looks at her "what trickery is this?"

"Oh don't act like that" Dydime orders Jane "Act like that again and I'll tell everyone all about what you keep in that closet of yours" everyone looks at Jane as she looks at Dydime embarrassed. Well as embarrassed as a cold one vampire can be.

"How?" Demetri asks "we saw Aro kill you"

"Long story" is all she says "the army has been taken care of, the creator destroyed" crossing her arms "you can leave now"

"We see Bella is still human" Alec mentions

"She will be turned" Dydime tells them "tell my brother that by summers end will she be turned"

"What about your mate?" Felix asks "surely you want to see him" we see Dydime think this over.

"When the time is right...I won't see him now, but soon"

"Beyla needs to come with us" Jane looks at me, everyone does and I flip her off.

"She stays with me" Didyme tells them "much like this newborn" yeah she saved a newborn from being destroyed "tell my son of a bitch brother that this will be his way for repaying me for when he destroyed me"

"We were given orders" Jane getting ticked off "that Beyla comes back to Volterra"

"Then she will" Carlisle intervenes "how about after the baby is born"

"Baby?" She asks, they look to me then to my stomach, shaking her head "she comes back"

"Dydime?" Bella asks Dydime "there has to be something?"

"You and River go back to the others" Didyme says after a few minutes "Bree, Beyla and I will head to Volterra to see my asshole brother"

"But what of the Cullens?" Alec wonders, we look at them.

"This will be their final warning" Dydime announces "one more and they all die, no matter what Aro wishes they die if one of them even thinks about slipping up" the Cullens look at her terrified, she just keeps her eyes on Jane "that suitable Jane?"

"Quite" said girl smiles

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