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The lunch crowd has fizzled off. We're now starting on the plates for the board meeting. It's extra special as the top dogs are there and they expect nothing but perfection. And when it comes to patisserie, it's French desserts that rule the world — my expertise.

Yumi let me lead this one and I'm very grateful for her guidance and direction in this whole internship. She has been nothing but generous in sharing her knowledge and skill. She tells me to tweak this here and there but never overrules my creative direction which is apparently unusual in the sunbae-hoobae arrangement in Korea. The hoobae, or junior in the same field is normally expected to just follow their sunbae-senior. I had hoped she can be that mature friend that I wanted but as much as she is kind and a great mentor to me, our relationship seems to be limited to just business. Or maybe I should just open up to her but that's just not my style. The irony of my being is that I'm upfront, I don't hesitate to voice out when I don't like something or when it's not working out for me,  but when it comes to my feelings, my actual deep feelings, to let my vulnerable side come out, that's when I turn into a turtle that hides in its shell. I cower. I'm not the brave, feisty girl everyone thinks I am. I'm just that young girl with so many insecurities, so many doubts that I just sweep them all under the rag hoping no one's lifts it up to be scattered in the wind like an icing sugar on a pastry that goes all over when you take a bite off it.

We finished our pastries and are almost done loading it in the cart that will take it to the boardroom. When Yumi dropped me a bombshell.

"Ok as soon as that's finished we go freshen up." She turned to me "You need to present this to the board."

I stood there, gawking at her. "What do you mean present?"

"This meeting is to showcase our offerings in the patisserie section and whether to expand it or not. You see the company is looking outside of just talent management and entertainment and they want to see if our skill set is strong enough for hospitality."

"But.. but I pretty much did all of these, I mean with your help but the.."

"Don't worry. You did so well. That's why I let you lead it. I know you can do it. If I didn't trust you, wouldn't have let you. This is your time to shine." She patted me.

"Why didn't you tell me that's what's at stake?!" I'm at the cusp of bawling my eyes out.

"Cause I don't want you to be nervous."

"Im freaking out now!" I really shouldn't be yelling at Yumi but I did warn you, I'm sometimes impulsive and needs to reign things in.

"You'll get over it. At least your pastries are the best." She winked at me seemingly unbothered by this meltdown im having. "Come on, you won't stand there alone, we're all behind you."

I stood there and watched her turn her back on me. The sunbae I was admiring earlier is now the enemy. Hyejin dragged me into our locker to freshen up and make ourselves presentable in front of the board.

I took a deep breath and summon all the Korean words I know in this presentation that I have not been prepared for.

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