The Oasis

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The princess reappeared in one of the sandstone alleyways of the town. Presumably a little further into the future. She felt her forehead, still absent of feverish heat.

"Thank Hylia..." Zelda mumbled to herself. 

The sky was orange and purple, as the sun was setting, and night was beginning to arrive. The blistering heat she felt in the previous past was now gone, replaced by a slight chill.

Zelda shivered; she'd forgotten how cold deserts could get.

Her thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of commotion in the town square that was only a few feet away.

"Why are there royal forces here and what do they want?" She could hear some gerudo vai whispering among themselves.

"More importantly, why in the world would they let them in. They're voe."

Some of the other conversations included chatter in the gerudo language Zelda couldn't understand.

Snaking behind the stony walls, being careful as to not get spotted, she managed to secure a good view of the center of town, staying concealed behind a convenient pillar.

Sure enough, as the gerudo had said, there were a few royal messengers mounted on horses in the courtyard. They stood out like sore thumbs, surrounded by several gerudo who were confused and slightly appalled that men had been allowed in the town.

The only time this would ever be appropriate would be in an emergency of some kind.

After a while, a burly gerudo woman stepped out of the palace, spear drawn. She appeared to be a royal guard of some kind.

The head of the party, a Hylian captain, leaped off his horse to greet her.

The guard asked him something in gerudo that the captain couldn't quite interpret, so a translator was brought forth.

"She asks what your business here is," the translator gerudo told the captain, who quickly readjusted his posture and cleared his throat.

"Sav'saaba," the captain began, pronouncing the greeting surprisingly well, "we wish to speak to her excellency, Lady Urbosa."

The translator delivered his words to the guard, whose eyes narrowed upon hearing his request.

"Her majesty is rather busy at the moment," the guard replied in heavily accented hylian.

The royal messengers looked among each other, grim looks on each of their faces. The captain spoke again, readjusting his helm.

"This is incredibly urgent news; I'm afraid it cannot wait," he explained.

More light chatter simmered among the crowd of gerudo that had gathered, all wondering what could be going on.

The guard opened her mouth to respond again but she was interrupted by the presence of the great chief herself, who had seemingly appeared out of thin air at her palace's entrance.

The guard, and several other gerudo kneeled in respect as Urbosa stepped forward. The hylians quickly followed suit.

As for the chief, she looked noticeably confused seeing her unexpected guests.

Zelda couldn't help but gaze at how beautiful she looked. She wore her usual stunning crown and an emerald-colored dress that she'd never seen before.

"Good Sir, may I ask what this is?" She respectfully questioned, clasping her hands together.

The hylian captain rose from the ground.

"Lady Urbosa of the Gerudo people," he addressed her, "we from the castle that we think you would want to hear."

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