Chapter 1: Back home

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1 year later...

Amy came out of a taxi and looked at the driver.

Amy: thanks.
Driver: no problem, Miss.

Amy came back home from her vacation after 10 years ago, she grown big, her hair was long, she was wearing a new short red and white dress, a white and pink curve line knit bandana and adota shoes.

Amy: great to be home, hope my friends will be happy.

Then she walked to the city, the place had new places to go in, but as Amy was walking, Cream and Cheese walked out the ice cream store and saw Amy, Cream ran to her, as Amy looked.

Cream: miss Amy!!
Amy: Cream, Cheese!!

They ran to each other and hugged happily, and let go and hold their hands.

Cream: how was your long vacation, Amy?
Amy: it was good, just been looking at the view and eating the good food and other stuff.
Cream: that's great!
Cheese: chao, chao!

Amy, Cream and Cheese started walking to Amy's house, soon they got to her house, Amy looked at Cream.

Amy: Cream, can you do me a favor?
Cream: sure, what is it, Amy?
Amy: I want you to give these invitations to everyone and Shadow.
Cream: sure, I would love to.
Cheese: chao chao.
Amy: okay, thanks.

Then Amy give Cream and Cheese the invitation to a party at Amy's house, Cream hugged Amy and let go.

Cream: I'll see you tonight!
Amy: okay, tell them it's from me!
Cream: okay!

Cream and Cheese flew to give the invitations, Amy walked in the house and smiled, she looked around.

Amy: it's time to decorate for the party, can't wait to see my friends!

Then Amy ran out of her house and went to the store, she got balloons, streamers with roses on the top, a big 'surprise' sign, stuff to make food and rainbow banners.

Amy: okay, that should be everything, I need.

Then Amy went to the cash register, and bought the stuff, went off back to her house.

with Cream and Cheese...

Cream and Cheese were at knuckles and Rouge's house.

Rouge: what are you doing here, hon?
Cream: here's a invitation to a party from Amy!

Rouge and Knuckles looked at each other and grabbed the invite from the rabbit.

Rouge: well, thanks Cream.
Cream: your welcome.
Knuckles: see you, tonight.
Cream: you too, bye.

Cream has left knuckles house, she has two invitations left, she went to Sliver and Blaze's house and knock, Blaze opened the door.

Blaze: hi, Cream.
Cream: hi, how's your husband doing?
Blaze: Silver's fine, but he's still the same.

Then Sliver came behind Blaze and saw Cream.

Sliver: hi, Cream.
Cream: hi, Sliver.
Blaze: so, what are you doing here?

Cream took out a invitation and show it to them.

Cream: I want to give you a invitation.
Blaze: from who?
Cream: our friend, Amy.

Then she give it to them, Blaze and Sliver looked at each other and looked at Cream.

Blaze: thanks, Cream.
Cream: you're welcome, see you two tonight.
Sliver: yeah you too.
Cream: bye!!

Then Cream left, she was now giving the last invitation to Shadow, she got to his house and knocked.

Cream: I hope he will come.

Then she hears footsteps coming, Shadow opened the door and saw Cream.

Cream: hi, Mr Shadow.
Shadow: hey, what are you doing here?

Cream give Shadow a invitation, Shadow took it and looked.

Cream: here's a invitation to a party.
Shadow: who are you speaking about?
Cream: it's from Amy!

Then he got surprised of Cream saying Amy, he missed her when she left for vacation, then from years, he had a crush on Amy, he looked at Cream.

Cream: Mr Shadow, are you okay?
Shadow: I'm okay, thanks.
Cream: okay, when are you gonna tell Amy about your feeling?
Shadow: I don't know, I have to plan it out.

Cream remembers about Shadow telling her about having feelings for Amy, Cream tell shadow what he can do to tell Amy, she looked back at Shadow.

Cream: okay, bye!
Shadow: bye.

Shadow closed the door and sat down on the kitchen table and closed his eyes and smiled.

Shadow: it's great to have you back, Rose.

Then he grabbed the invitation and read it.

Back with Amy...

Amy was putting up the decorations around the house, it was hard for her, but Amy can do it.

Amy: the streamers are on, now for the food.

Amy went to the kitchen and got ingredients for the food, then she hears a knock.

Amy: who's that?

She went to the door and opened it, and saw Cream and Cheese.

Amy: hey, Cream.
Cream: I give everyone the invitations.
Amy: okay, thanks.

Then they shared a hug and smiled, they let go and looked at each other.

Cream: well, I better get ready, see you tonight!
Amy: you too, bye!

Then Cream and Cheese left to their house, Amy close the door and smiled. She went back to the kitchen and finish the food.

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