Chapter 6: new friends

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Then Knuckles put Tatiana back on her bed.

Knuckles: Tails, can you bange her leg?
Tails: yeah.

He went to her and raped her leg with banges, Tails got done and put her leg down.

Tails: how does it feel?
Tatiana: fine, thanks Tails.
Tails: anything for a new friend.
Tatiana: I never got everyone's name.

They remembered and they looked at her.

Rouge: I'm Rouge, this is Knuckles.
Knuckles: sup.
Rouge: Sonic, Sally, Cream, Cheese, Shadow, Amy, Vanilla, Blaze and Sliver.
All: hi!!

They came closer to the cat and talked to her.

Blaze: never seen a cat with wings.
Tatiana: yeah, I had them ever since I got them from my and Nate's father.

Then they had a confused face about the wing she said, Nate sat next to her.

Silver: what do you mean?
Nate: you should tell them what happened.
Sonic: what happened?

She looked at them with a sad face and sigh.

Tatiana: well, a couple years ago, I was a baby cat from the nursery.

The flashback show Tatiana as a baby and looking around.

Tatiana: I used to see other parents adopt one but never me.

The baby cat looked and looked down sad, then the door opened.

Tatiana: I thought no one wanted me, but doctor Bolt wanted me as his and I was happy.

Dr Bolt pick up the cat and carried her with a smile, the scene shows the lab in space.

Tatiana: I had fun with him over the months, then he see me reading some books of many different wings.

Tatiana read the book and smiled, Dr Bolt looked and think of something then he got a idea.

Tatiana: what the Doctor did was great, he told me that he can make me into a winged cat and I was happy about it.

Dr Bolt put Tatiana in a capsule and used DNA of the wings to go in her.

Tatiana: he used the DNA to make me have wings, and it worked, but he has to help me fly.

Tatiana was watching a brother and sister playing on TV, the doctor looked and thought of something that can help.

Tatiana: then twelve years later, he saw me seeing siblings on TV and he made me a brother by using dog DNA.

Dr Bolt showed the cat her brother in a capsule and she smiled and hugged the Doctor.

Tatiana: soon, he was awake, Dr Bolt told him that he's my brother and named him Nate, and we shared the sibling love together.

Tatiana was hugging her new brother and smiled, he did the same.

Tatiana: then a couple more years past, a enemy came and was looking for me, Dr Bolt put us in a pod and sent us to earth and the ship exploded.

Tatiana hugged her brother in the pod as they went to Earth.

The present...

Tatiana: Dr Bolt was the nicest doctor we know, but he was in the ship when it exploded and I'm a winged cat.

Then everyone looked at each other seeing how sad it is, Dr Eggman went to them.

Blaze: wow, a winged cat?
Eggman: we're sorry that happened.
Rouge: yeah.
Tatiana: thanks, but I have to watch out for the enemy.

She was happy that they are gonna help her and her brother, they put smiles on their faces.

Sonic: don't worry girl.
Amy: we will help.
Knuckles: and take the enemy down!
Tatiana: thanks.

They all shared a group hug, they let go and Dr Eggman carried the pink cat and went upstairs with the others behind.

Tatiana: where are you taking me to?
Eggman: I have an another room for you to be in.
Tails: you sure you can take care of them?
Eggman: of course.

They got into the room, it was pink with hearts, there are a TV and different movies to watch, a blue bed with a small table next to it and has a lamp on it, guitar, vase with rose's, games, books and more.

Sonic: wow.
Amy: this is beautiful.
Eggman: me and Nate did the room together.

Dr Eggman went to the bed and put Tatiana on it and laid down.

Eggman: there.
Tatiana: thanks, Dr.
Eggman: your welcome, lay down and rest.
Tatiana: k.

Then they left the room and closed the door, everyone was going home from Eggman's base, Shadow and Amy were walking, he looked at her.

Shadow: we should get ready for our date.
Amy: okay.

They went to their houses, soon Shadow was next to Amy's house waiting for her.

Shadow: don't be nervous Shadow.

The door opened and Amy walked out wearing a black dress, Shadow blushes and went to her.

Shadow: you look, pretty.
Amy: thanks.
Shadow: let's go.

They hold hands and walked to their date, soon they got to a field full of flowers.

Amy: wow.
Shadow: I actually found this three years ago.
Amy: it's wonderful.

They went to the picnic that was already there, they talked about things while they were eating.

Amy: this is nice.
Shadow: thanks, I would come here to think of things.

They looked at the night sky, Shadow looked at Amy and saw Stars in her eyes.

Shadow: Amy, your eyes shine bright when stars are in your eyes.

Amy blushes from Shadow saying that.

Amy: thanks Shadow.
Shadow: anytime.

When they were talking, Sonic was spying to make sure Shadow doesn't do anything to Amy.

Shadow: Amy, why weren't you sad about Sonic being with Sally?
Amy: on my vacation, I saw pictures of them, I was upset about it, then I moved from it.

Sonic heard Amy's words then ran off, later Amy and Shadow were done with their date and went to their house to sleep.

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