Chapter 11: cheering day

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It was morning, on the couch, Tatiana woke up and yawned while sketching her arm, her Chao Jane woke up and hugged The Winged Cat, she returned it.

Jane: Chao!
Tatiana: good morning, Jane.

Then she got of the couch and looked at herself, Infinite came downstairs and saw her awake, she looked at him.

Infinite: morning, Cat.
Tatiana: good morning.

She smiles as she said that, Infinite looked at the bruises and still see them.

Infinite: you'll be okay?
Tatiana: don't worry, I will be fine.

The she stands ups and was able to walk, Infinite went in the kitchen.

Infinite: I'll make breakfast.
Tatiana: okay.

Then she sat on the table and Jane came to her and laid on her shoulders.

Jane: Chao...
Tatiana: cute, there Jane.


After The Winged Cat and Jackal we're done, Tatiana was about to leave and looked at Infinite.

Tatiana: thanks for letting me stay and help with the bruises.
Infinite: your welcome, anything for someone nice.

Then she chuckled and looked, she turned around and walked away, Infinite took one more looked and closed the door and looked at the ceiling.

Infinite: hum... never would of seeing people nice to me like she did.

The Winged Cat continues walking and seeing the town, Jane Chao came next to her to see something.

Jane: Chao.
Tatiana: hey, he just helped me.
Jane: Chao.

They continue walking seeing the beautiful sky, Tails was at his workshop looking at his plant, he looked out and saw The Winged Cat and waved.

Tails: hi, Tatiana.

Tatiana heard someone and turned around and saw Tails at his workshop, she ran over to him and waved.

Tatiana: hi.
Tails: hey, how are you doing, Amy told me what happened.
Tatiana: I'm fine.

Tails went to her and give her a hug, she smiles and hugged him back, they both let go and she looked.

Tatiana: wow, this is your place?
Tails: yeah, I lived here very long ago, when I was with Sonic.

The Winged Cat heard and knows everything, she turned around and saw a plant were Tails was.

Tatiana: hey, what with the plant you were with?

Tails turned around and looked what she said, he went to the plant and sat down.

Tails: it's from someone I cared about, she sacrifice herself to save the planet.

The Winged Cat looked and saw how sad it was for him, She bend her knees and went next to him.

Tatiana: who was she?
Tails: her name was Cosmo, she was my love interest.

Tails had tears in her eyes remembering her, Tatiana gives him a hug and wrap him with her wings.

Tatiana: it's okay, just let it out.

She continues hugging him and let him cry and close her eyes staying next to him like a friend. After Tails was done in six minutes, he told her the story of the event, The Winged Cat was surprised.

Tails: and we came back here.
Tatiana: wow, that is very sad, I'm sorry it happened to you.
Tails: it's okay, I wished she was back.

The Winged Cat gives him a hug and looked at him, she let go and was about to leave.

Tatiana: well, I need to go, I'll see you later.
Tails: okay, you too.
Tatiana: okay, bye.

Then she left Tails workshop and started walking with her Chao. In the race field, Jet The Hawk, Wave The Sparrow and Storm The Albatross were looking at their Extreme Gears they have, Jet turned to them.

Jet: anything on yours, Wave?
Wave: no, just the same.
Storm: same with mine
Jet: it was a long time ago, when we kept these...
Wave: but haven't raced each other.

Then put their Extreme Gear down and look at the sky, then Wave saw the winged cat walking in the sand and sat down.

Wave: jet, jet.
Jet: yes, Wave?
Wave: it's the same girl.

Jet looked up and saw, Wave shake Storm's shoulders and looked, Tatiana was smiling at the sunset, Jane Chao looked.

Jane: Chao chao.
Tatiana: it is beautiful.
Jane: Chao.
Tatiana: yeah.

They continue watching the sun going down the water and smiled, the trio birds was behind them.

Jet: hey.

Tatiana heard the voice, she and Jane turned around and saw Jet and his team, the Winged Cat stand up.

Tatiana: oh, hi guys.
Wave: nice to see you again, girl.
Storm: yeah.

They gave her a hand shake from each of them, Jane Chao went in her friend's arm and lay down.

Jet: woah, is that…
Wave: you're Chao?
Tatiana: yeah, I got her when she was in her egg, she's cute when she hatched.

Tatiana lifted her arms up with the Chao in her arms and smiled, Jet and his team look at it.

Jet: hey, um... Tatiana?
Tatiana: yes?
Wave: we want you to try a Extreme Gear with us.

This got the Winged Cat surprised from their response, Tatiana looked at them.

Tatiana: um, I'm not sure, I mean I don't have one.
Wave: it's okay, you can try mine.

Wave shows her Extreme Gear to Tatiana, she looked at it as she reached her arm out and stopped, then looked at her again.

Tatiana: you sure?
Wave: of course.
Jet: you're our friend now.
Storm: try it.

Then she got Wave's Extreme Gear and smiled. Soon, Tatiana was on the Extreme Gear (same with Jet), they we're on the racetrack.

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