Chapter 8: team work

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Tatiana: hey Amy, who are they?
Amy: these are racers, that's Jet The Hawk, Wave The Swallow and Storm The Albatross.
All: hey.

They went closer and looked at her appearance.

Wave: wow, a Winged Cat, super neet.
Tatiana: thanks.
Jet: have you ever ride a Extreme Gears?
Tatiana: no, I haven't.

They back away for her to get some room and went to the race track.

Sonic: well, we got to go.
Wave: where are you going?
Amy: we are going to places to hang out.
Jet: nice, see you guys later.
All: okay.

Overtime they went to different places to hang out with each other, bowling alley, theater, stores, library, museums, the park and everywhere, they had so much fun for each other, then they walked to a arcade.

Tatiana: wow.
Shadow: humph...a arcade?
Tails: yeah, a place where you can play multiple games.
Nate: game time!!

They all went inside and was amazed of all the games they see, Amy looked at everyone.

Amy: come on, let get us coins to play.
All: yay!!

Amy use her money to get coins for each of them, then they went different games to play, Tatiana and her brother looked around.

Tatiana: what are you gonna play?
Nate: the shooting game over there.
Tatiana: okay.

Then he went to the shooting game, she went to play car race and put a coin in as she sat down.

Tatiana: let's play.

She press started and looked at the count down.

Game: 3...2...1...Go!!

Then she started to stir the wheel and push the go petal with her feet and raced, she focus and race.

Tatiana: let's look at the new racer.

She put more speed and continue, Nate was shooting all the aliens and not stopping.

Nate: this is what I'm talking about!

Then he got his high score, and he saw everyone watching his sister play, Amy played the dancing game and getting scores, Shadow looked at her.

Shadow: hey, Amy.
Amy: what is it, Shadow?
Shadow: check out there.

Amy got her high score and looked where everyone is watching and went closer, Tatiana speed up fast and got to the finish line in first place, everyone cheers to her.

All: yay!!!!!
Tatiana: wow.

She got the biggest score ever and got off to another game, after many other games they played, they were about to go out of the arcade.

Tails: wow that was fun.
Tatiana: It sure was.
Nate: it was fine.

Then continue walking and talking about the day and laughing, soon they got to Eggman's base and he saw them inside.

Shadow: hey, Eggman.
Eggman: you guys are back.
Tails: yeah, we just hangout.
Tatiana: and had lots of fun out.

Tatiana and her brother went on the couch and looked at them, Eggman stand up in front of them.

Eggman: we'll thanks for having fun with them.
Sonic: don't worry Eggman, we had fun too.
Tatiana: we'll see you guys tomorrow.
Amy: you too.

Then they left Eggman's base, saying bye to them, Amy was walking with Shadow and he looked at her.

Shadow: you sure, give them a good time.
Amy: yeah.
Shadow: are doing anything else?
Amy: we'll me and Cream we're gonna give Tatiana a gift.

Then Shadow smile as they walked, at night, the pink winged cat was in her room read, then she heard a knock.

Tatiana: I wonder who it is?

She got up and leave the book on her bed, she opened the door and saw Cream and Amy there.

Tatiana: oh hey, what are you doing here?
Cream: we want to give you a present.
Amy: yeah.

She let them and they smiled and put the present on her bed, as the Winged Cat looked.

Amy: well, opened it.
Tatiana: okay.

She took the wrapping paper off and opened it and took out a egg and looked at them.

Tatiana: what is this?
Amy: it's a Chao egg.
Tatiana: what is that?
Cream: a chao are childlike creatures that go through a complex life cycle.

Tatiana was surprised of what Cream has told her and looked at them with a smile.

Cream: when it creaks, you'll have a friend, like us.
Tatiana: thanks, girls.
Cream: your welcome.

Then they we're walking out the room and looked at her while she was standing up.

Amy: see you tomorrow.
Tatiana: okay, bye.

Then the door closed, she looked at the colors on the egg, later Tatiana was reading the same book she was reading, she heard the egg creak a little, and she put the book away and went closer to see.

Tatiana: it's coming out

She saw the creaks and the top opened and fall on the pillow, Tatiana looked inside and saw a white with pink, and purple eyes angel chao in it, the chao back away from the cat scared.

Tatiana: hey, it's okay girl, I'm nice.

Tatiana grabbed the chao with a smile on her face and carried the chao like a baby.

Tatiana: cute girl.
Jane: chao, chao.
Tatiana: I'll name you...Jane.
Jane: chao?
Tatiana: yes, I'm your new owner.

Jane was smiling at her and hugged her new owner and smiled.

Jane: chao!!
Tatiana: I love you too.

She closed her eyes while hugging her chao Jane, then went to sleep while hugging her new chao feeling cozy.

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