Chapter 2: Party

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4 hours later...

Amy was done making the food and decorating the house and smiled.

Amy: everything is set, I can go change.

Amy walked upstairs to her room and went to the closet, she grabbed a long red dress that goes down to her knees, and she wears a head band with a rose on it then she hears a knock.

Amy: they're here, coming!!

Then Amy went downstairs and got to the door, when she opened it, Cream and Cheese and others behind her and have presents were there.

Cream: hi, Amy!
Amy: Cream and Cheese!

They shared a hug and Amy let her in, the rest went in.

Amy: hi everyone!!
Blaze: nice to see you.
Silver: hi, Amy!
Rouge: hello, dear.
Knuckles: sup, Amy.

Everyone was in Amy's house and we're happy, then Sonic and Sally Acorn we're there.

Sonic: hey, Ames!
Amy: hey, Sonic.
Sonic: it's nice to see you from ten years ago.
Sally: and we're happy to see you.
Amy: me too, come in.

Amy used to love Sonic, but from the years of running away from her and being with Sally, Amy moved on from him and changed, Amy was about to closed the door when she heard someone.

???: Hey, Rose.

When Amy heard it, she turned around and saw Shadow The Hedgehog and he was holding a present.

Amy: hey, Shadow.
Shadow: good, evening, may I come in?
Amy: sure.

Shadow walk in as Amy moved, she closed the door and walked to the living room.

Amy: everyone, I want to say thanks for coming to my party, from my ten years ago, I did enjoy myself and missed all of you.
Rouge: we did too.
Tails: she's right.
Amy: anyway, enjoy yourself.
All: yay!!

Then everyone went back what they were doing, Amy was going into the kitchen to get the food then Rouge went next to her.

Rouge: hey, dear.
Amy: hey Rouge.
Rouge: I was so happy to see you again, can I help you with the food?
Amy: sure, I can use a friend to help.

Then Rouge helped Amy with the food and put them on the table in the living room, after they were done, everyone enjoyed the food.

Tails: this cherry pie is good.
Sonic: Amy's always good at making these chilli dogs.
Sally: it's always your favorite.

Everyone enjoyed the food that Amy had made, later everyone was giving Amy a present, Rouge gives her present to Amy.

Rouge: here.
Amy: thanks.

Amy opened it, and saw it was a purple dress with rose marks on it, Amy gives Rouge a hug.

Amy: thank you, Rouge.
Rouge: you're welcome, hun.
Cream: here's mine!

Amy opened Cream's present and it was a circle picnic  basket with a red and white split-lid design.

Amy: thank you Cream.
Cream: your welcome.

Shadow went closer to Amy and give Amy his present.

Shadow: here.
Amy: thanks, Shadow.

Amy opened his present and she saw it was a hair ban with a rose on it, Amy gives Shadow a kiss on his cheek and Shadow blushes.

Shadow: I'm glad you like it.
Amy: yeah, thanks.

Then Amy grabbed the presents and went upstairs, Sonic went next to Shadow and crossed his arms.

Sonic: what are you up to, Shadow?
Shadow: why do you care, faker?
Rouge: yeah, Shadow hasn't done anything to Amy.
Sonic: wow, I'm watching you.

Then Amy came back down and hugged everyone, they let go and Amy went on the couch.

Shadow: so Rose, what did you do on your vacation?
Sonic: yeah, tell us about it.

Then everyone sat down to Amy to listen, Shadow sit next to Amy and looked.

Amy: okay, when I was in vacation, I have been working out and been eating the food that help me get stronger and I been thinking about you guys, a little.
Sonic: wow, looks like you been doing well.
Tails: yeah, exactly the workout.
Amy: well you know, I been getting my self better.

Then everyone cheered for Amy as she smiled, Shadow clapped his hands and smiled. Then soon it was night, everyone was giving Amy a hug and going out of the house.

Rouge: goodnight, dear.
Cream: goodnight, Amy.
Amy: you too.
Sonic: night, Ames.

Then everyone was going home, Rouge was going to the door and she saw Shadow was still there.

Rouge: are you going to your house, Shadow?
Shadow: I'm staying to talk with Amy.
Rouge: okay.

Then Rouge close the door, Shadow sit next to Amy and talked.

Shadow: anything else you did from vacation?
Amy: well, I got myself a hoverboard and learned new things.

Then Amy showed Shadow her pink with red rose's on them, Shadow smiled and crossed his arms.

Shadow: what else?
Amy: my hammer is now like a ax and I learned to use guns and motorcycle.
Shadow: interesting.

Amy take a sip of her tea and put it down, Shadow looked at her.

Shadow: Rose, to tell you I did miss you a lot.
Amy: yeah, me too.
Shadow: I was wondering if we can hang out if I don't have any mission from G.U.N.?

Amy was surprised of what Shadow asked, she thought about it and smiled.

Amy: sure, I love too.
Shadow: good, now I need to go, I'll let you know when we can.
Amy: okay

Then he went to the door, before he went out, he looked at Amy one more time.

Shadow: Amy?
Amy: yes, Shadow?

Shadow looked down and looked back at Amy with a smile.

Shadow: I'm glad that your here, again.
Amy: thanks.

Then Shadow closed the door, Amy smiled then went to her room, brush her teeth and went to bed.

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