Chapter 4: feelings

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Soon they got to the house, Amy opened the door to go inside, Shadow looked at her.

Shadow: Rose, can I stay and talk?
Amy: sure, you can.

Then Shadow smiled and went inside, Amy put the decorations away, but Shadow went next to her.

Shadow: here, let me help.
Amy: okay.

Amy was happy that Shadow wanted to helped her, after they were done they sat down and talk.

Amy: so, how's everything doing for you after I left?
Shadow: fine I guess, but I been busy with stuff.
Amy: I feel the same way Shadow, I been working on myself too.

Amy put her hands together and looked up, Shadow looked at her and he thinks he has a chance.

Shadow: hey, Rose.
Amy: yes?
Shadow: about what I said at the picnic, I wanted to say...

Then he hold both her hands and looked at her, Amy looked at him.

Shadow: I wanted to say how much feelings I have for you and I don't know if you will accept it.

Shadow looked down, Amy was surprised of Shadow's feelings, Amy use her hand to left up Shadow's head.

Amy: you really mean it?
Shadow: yeah, I do.
Amy: well I accept you.

Amy started smiling and Shadow did the same, they pulled in as they shared a kiss and closed their eyes, and pulled away.

Amy: wow, that was nice.
Shadow: yeah, thanks.

They stayed there in silence and blushes, Amy took a sip of her tea and put it down, Shadow looked at her and then he got a idea.

Shadow: hey.
Amy: yes, Shadow?
Shadow: do you want to learn chaos control?
Amy: sure.

They stand up as they went to the kitchen, Shadow took out his chaos emerald and put it in her hands.

Shadow: we're gonna learn teleportation.
Amy: okay.
Shadow: think of a room, and teleport us there.

Amy closed her eyes and focused on her bedroom then a green light shined and teleport them from the kitchen to the living room, Amy was surprised.

Amy: I did it, Shady!!
Shadow: you sure did.
Amy: thanks.

Then Amy kissed Shadow on the cheeks and smiled, Shadow returned with a kiss on the lips and pulled away.

Amy: um, aren't you leaving.
Shadow: I want to sleep here tonight, to be with the beautiful rose.

Then Amy started to blush of what he said, and hugged him and smiled.

Amy: of course, you can stay, only you want.
Shadow: okay, thanks Rose.

Then Shadow hugged her and smiled, they went upstairs and Amy take a shower and they brush their teeths, then she and Shadow went to her room.

Amy: I just hope we see the creatures awake.
Shadow: we will.

Then Amy and Shadow went on the bed and Shadow pulled Amy close to him, Amy then smiled.

Shadow: hey, Rose?
Amy: yes, Shadow?
Shadow: would you want to go to a date?

Then Amy looked at Shadow and smiled, she hugged him.

Amy: I love too.
Shadow: okay.

Then they shared a kiss and they went to sleep, Amy is still thinking about the pink winged cat and the green dog.

With Eggman...

Eggman was checking Nate and Tatiana, he hears the dogs heartbeat.

Eggman: well this ones doing fine.

He continues until Nate's body started to move, Eggman back up just in case.

Eggman: he's waking up now.

Then Nate woke up and sat down while rubbing his head.

Nate: ahh, my head hurts.

Then he looked around and he saw Eggman standing there looking at him.

Nate: ahh, who are you?
Eggman: I'm doctor Eggman.
Nate: what are you doing with us?
Eggman: don't worried, I'm not gonna hurt two.
Nate: okay, good.

Nate went to his sister and looked, he put his hand on his sister's shoulder.

Eggman: what is your name, boy?
Nate: the name is Nate, Nate The Dog.

Then he sat down next to her, Eggman went closer to the dog.

Eggman: so, where you from space?
Nate: yeah, until we crash here.

Eggman saw Nate hugged his sister, Eggman put his hand on Nate's shoulder.

Eggman : come on, I'll make you food and take you to bed.

They went to the kitchen and Nate ate the food that Eggman give him, after the food, they went up the stairs and went to a red bed room for Nate, the green dog went inside and on a bed.

Nate: thanks.
Eggman: go to sleep.
Nate: k.

Then Eggman closed the door and walked away, he went back where the cat was, he went inside and put a hand on her chest.

Eggman: we'll try to sleep you, soon.

Eggman stayed there looking at the pink winged cat.

With Tails...

Tail was looking over the papers and books to see what the pink cat is and looked at his desk.

Tails: can't find anything, I'm sure she will tell us.

Then Tails went to room to go to sleep.

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