Chapter 7: hang out

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It was morning, Tatiana woke up and sat down, she looked at her leg. Then the door opened and saw her brother and went up to her.

Nate: are you okay?
Tatiana: I think so.
Nate: just wanted to see you.

They sat there looking at the window until Dr Eggman came in.

Eggman: hello kids.
Both: hi!

Then Dr Eggman went to the cat and check her leg, he took the bange off.

Eggman: try to walk.
Tatiana: okay.

Eggman helped her up and let go, Tatiana tried walking and didn't hurt, she was back on her legs again.

Tatiana: I can walk now.
Nate: your feeling better now.
Tatiana: yeah.
Eggman: come on.

They went downstairs and go to the table, Eggman give them breakfast.

Eggman: here you go.
Tatiana: thanks.
Nate: yeah.

They started eating the food, Eggman sat down and looked at the newspaper, Tatiana and her brother got done and put the dishes in the sink.

Tatiana: done, we're gonna go out.
Eggman: okay, just be careful.
Tatiana: we will, bye.

Then they left and saw how good it is outside and looked around.

Tatiana: wow, so this is what it looks like.
Nate: you got it from a book?
Tatiana: well yeah, I did.
Nate: it is nice out.

They continue walking around seeing things, but a green Hedgehog was watching.

???: A new girl in the town, time for the day.

Tatiana and her brother were looking at the sky, then Scourge grabbed her and she tried to get away.

Scourge: what do we have here?
Nate: let her go.
Tatiana: yeah, get away!!

Scourge hold her down with one hand and looked in her eyes.

Scourge: your a pretty cat, have you gone out with a boy?
Tatiana: no, I came to this world, I'm not ready.
Scourge: well, I say that it's today.

He then puts her down and started to lean close to her as Tatiana tried to stop him, then Scourge heard a voice.

Sonic: let her go, Scourge!!

Then Scourge looked and saw Sonic The Hedgehog and his friends, he still have the cat.

Scourge: well, if it isn't Sonic and his friends, how nice to see you again.
Sonic: I wouldn't say the same.
Shadow: let the cat go.
Scourge: oh, I would not do that.

Then Tatiana was mad of him not letting go, her teeth grow sharp.

Tatiana: let. Me. Go!!

Then she bite his arm hard, Scourge let go and hold his arm, Tatiana landed with her leg spread out and one hand down.

Amy: wow.
Scourge: hard biter, how fun.
Tatiana: your messing with the wrong girl.
Knuckles: go girl.
Scourge: let's see what your made of.

Then he ran to her as Tatiana jumped, grabbed him and slammed to the ground in front of Sonic.

Scourge: my turn.

Tatiana jumped to pound him but miss, Scourge spins her and threw her in front of her friends.

Scourge: give up?
Tatiana: not even.
Scourge: well then, let's finish this!

He ran to punch her, then Tatiana put one hand out and one leg out, Scourge was about to get closer then...

Tatiana: my win.

She super scream loud and the ground went to Scourge, he stopped and looked.

Scourge: uh, oh.

He blown away from the super scream and hit a tree, then the scream was gone, Scourge got up.

Scourge: this isn't over, we will see each other soon.
Tatiana: then I'll finish you up.

Then he ran off, Tatiana got up and Sonic and his friends went to her, so surprised.

Amy: that was super.
Shadow: fantastic!!
Sonic: I didn't know you had that.
Tatiana: well, I have many other abilities.

Then they walked together as they talked, they went to a ice cream store and sat down.

Tatiana: so this is a ice cream store?
Cream: yeah, this has all different flavors of ice cream you can have.
Amy: and we have our favorite ice cream.
Rouge: well, we should pick our ice cream.

They looked at their menus and found what they want, soon they got what they want, and we're happy.

Cream: vanilla, my favorite.
Shadow: I got chocolate, what about you Rose?
Amy: strawberry.

Tatiana has mint chocolate chip and Nate has cookie dough, they tried it and like the ice cream, their friends saw them.

Knuckles: well, they started to like it.
Sonic: yeah, I guess it's their first time.
Amy: yeah, it's good for them.

Then they all we're done and went out the store, they started walking to somewhere else.

Tatiana: the ice cream is good, Amy.
Nate: yeah, I say the same thing.
Amy: hey, it's good to do new things.

Then they were walking next to a racing track, jet and his friends had their Extreme Gears and saw them and waved.

Jet: Hey, Sonic.
Sonic: hey, Jet.

They shake hands and smiled, Jet went to Sonic's friends.

Jet: hello everyone, looks like the pink hedgehog came back.
Amy: yeah, from vacation.
Wave: wow, hey who is the pink cat there?

Amy turned and saw Tatiana and Nate looking at the race track and turned to Wave.

Amy: oh, that's Tatiana, she's a Winged Cat, and her brother Nate The Dog.
All: wow.
Sonic: yeah, they have been trying new things, the cat likes to read books about new things.
Jet: really.

Then the pink cat and her brother went to Sonic's friends and saw Jet and his friends.

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