Chapter 10: Infinite's help

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Jane: Chao...
Tatiana: hey I'm okay, nothing to worry about.

Then Jane hugged her and smiled, infinite looked at the bruises on the pink cat.

Infinite: are you okay, you looked hurt.
Tatiana: I'm fine.

Then Tatiana was about to leave with her Chao, then she fell on the ground, Infinite ran in front of her.

Infinite: please, let me take you to my place, I want to help you as much as I can.

He grabbed Tatiana's hand with his, the winged cat saw how serious he is, she looked at her Chao and at Infinite.

Tatiana: okay, I'll go with you.
Infinite: thank you.

He put one of her arm over his neck and helped her get to the house. Infinite and the Winged Cat we're at the house, Infinite got done putting bandages on her.

Infinite: there you go.
Tatiana: thank you.

Then infinite had her lay down on the couch and walked to the kitchen, he stop and look at her.

Infinite: stay here, I'll make you something.
Tatiana: okay.

Then infinite went in the kitchen, Tatiana looked around the house and saw that the house was red and black, it was decorated diamonds, Infinite came in with food.

Infinite: here.
Tatiana: what is this?
Infinite: don't worry, it's soup.
Tatiana: thanks.

Then she took a sip from the bowl, she looked at it and continues, Infinite give out a small smile.

Tatiana: thanks but, I should go back to...
Infinite: I already told Eggman your staying, cuz of the injury.

The pink cat was surprised of what he did, Infinite turned on the TV and helped Tatiana rest on the couch.

Infinite: there, you'll be fine here tonight.
Tatiana: okay.

Then they heard a knock on the door, Infinite went to the door to see who's there, he opened the door and saw Amy, Shadow and Eggman there.

Amy: is Tatiana here?
Infinite: yes, on the couch.
Eggman: thanks.

They went inside and went to the couch and saw the cat resting on the couch, Eggman looked at her.

Shadow: are you okay?
Tatiana: I should be, now.
Amy: that's good to hear, girl.

Eggman looked at the bruises all over her and looked at the cat, then he started looking at Infinite that was by the couch.

Eggman: what happened to her?
Infinite: Scourge and Fiona started fighting against her, but I came and helped her beat them.

Then three of them had a surprised face on them, Eggman took the bandages off the Pink Winged Cat and saw the bruises.

Shadow: the bruises are bad.
Infinite: it was from them.
Eggman: I don't know how bad, but I'll look in my base and see about this.
Tatiana: okay.

Then Eggman petted her head as she smiles when he put the bandages on, Amy went to the couch and sat down next to her, Jane Chao came to Tatiana.

Jane: Chao Chao.
Amy: this is your Chao?
Tatiana: yep, she's loving me like a pet, her name is Jane.
Amy: well, that's cute.
Tatiana: thanks.

Amy looked as the Chao was hugging her owner, Eggman and Shadow we're with Infinite, until a Green Dog came in.

Nate: sister?
Shadow: over here.

He ran where Shadow is and hugged his sister from the couch.

Tatiana: hey, Nate.
Nate: hey, are you okay?
Tatiana: I'm fine.

Then he let go of his sister, Eggman and Infinite went to them, Nate turned and looked at them.

Nate: what happened?
Shadow: she was fighting against Scourge and Fiona, and Infinite came and help her.

Infinite looked at him to show that he did it, Nate went up to Infinite and they shake hands.

Nate: thanks for saving my sister.

Infinite looked at him and the pink cat and didn't know of them being siblings.

Infinite: I didn't see or know that.
Nate: she will tell you the story...

Then later, Tatiana told Infinite about the story of having a new dad, become a Winged Cat, got a new brother and a villain was finding her, Infinite listens to her.

Tatiana: he was in the ship when it exploded and I'm a winged cat.

Then she was done with the story, Infinite looked impress of the story.

Infinite: wow, that was big.
Tatiana: yeah, so me and my brother stayed with Eggman.
Nate: so, that we have a place to sleep.
Infinite: but, do you know if Dr. Bolt is alive?

The Winged Cat and green dog looked at each other and went silent, Infinite understand what they mean, he went to Tatiana to put a hand on her shoulder.

Infinite: hey, it's okay if you don't know, sorry I asked.
Tatiana: it's okay and thank you.
Infinite: you're welcome.

Then Infinite put the pink cat on the couch and put a blanket on her, Nate went closer to his sister.

Nate: is she ok to be here?
Infinite: it's fine, she'll be okay.
Eggman: yeah, infinite is a good guy now.

Then Eggman walked Nate out of Infinite's house and closed the door, Amy and Shadow we're about to leave.

Amy: I hope you'll feel good tomorrow.
Tatiana: I will.

Tatiana and Infinite watched as they left, Shadow and Amy we're at they're home, had dinner and wearing nightgowns, they went upstairs.

Amy: you're sure she'll be okay?
Shadow: yes, I did.

Then they shared a kiss and pulled away, Shadow went to the bed with Amy, before he switched the lights off, he looked at her.

Shadow: goodnight, Rose.
Amy: good night.

Shadow turned off the lights and lays next to Amy as they fall asleep.

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