Chapter 12: Special

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Jet looks at The Winged Cat again to check.

Jet: You got this, right?
Tatiana: Yeah, I got it.
Wave: Are you ready?

Tatiana and Jet look straight and get on their position, waiting to go.

Wave: ready... set...go!

Then, the Winged Cat and Green Hawk began to race. They went to speed on the track and turned left, Jet looked at her while racing.

Jet: Wow, girl, you're doing great with this.
Tatiana: Thanks, I just learned fast.

They continue racing as Wave and Storm look at them.

Wave: Well, the girl is learning more.
Storm: it's incredible that she knows how to do it.

Jet and Tatiana went faster as they were almost the Wave and Storm. The Winged Cat was going faster as she jumped while on it and went over Jet and landed on the race track and speed up.

Tatiana: yoo-hoo!!!

She kept going faster on the Extreme Gear and smiles as she turned it again and went faster as she crossed the finish line and everyone cheered.

Wave: she did it!
Storm: Yahoo!
Tatiana: Yay!!

The Winged Cat got off and jumped in hooray energy, and Jet, Wave, and Storm went to her and clapped or rubbed her head and smiled.

Wave: Good job, girl.
Tatiana: Thank you, Wave.

Then the Winged Cat gives Wave her Extreme Gear, and Wave took it.

Wave: You we're really good at my Extreme Gear.
Tatiana: Happy to try new things, Wave.
Jet: But still, you're very good at this, see you around.
Tatiana: You too, guys.

Then she started to walk away from them and had a smile on her face, after a while Tatiana was at a arcade, she went inside and saw her brother playing the alien shooting game and runs to him and Nate saw Tatiana as he finished his high score.

Tatiana: Hey, Nate!
Nate: Hey, sister!

Then they give each other a hug as they smile, Tatiana let's go of her brother as they are still in the arcade.

Nate: So, sis, how did Infinite treat you?
Tatiana: Oh, he's a good person, he took care of me and made me and him breakfast, he's really nice.
Nate: Well, I'm happy that you're feeling better, sis.
Tatiana: Thank you.

Tatiana puts her arm around Nate's shoulders and plays couple arcade games with him. They play shooting games, basketball, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, invaders and etc. After they were done playing arcade games, Nate got a hoverboard and Gorilla Plush prize and Tatiana got a strawberry plush and a cute pink purse, Tatiana and Nate were laughing as they walk out of the arcade.

Tatiana: Man, if I was so good, I got a lot of points!
Nate: Yeah, I was good just like you too, sis.
Tatiana: I know, we are just getting better.

Tatiana and Nate smiled as they were walking together and talking and walking in Dr Eggman's base, and they saw Eggman, Infinite, Tails, and others at the lab, Tatiana raised her eyes and looked at them

Tatiana: What's going on here?
Nate: something wrong?
Eggman: Tatiana The Winged Cat, I have to check on your species.

Tatiana knows that they need to know so she nodded and followed Eggman, soon Tatiana was laying on the lab bed with cords on her arms, wings and ears and she looks at them, Eggman and the other looks at her species on a machine to the cords.

Sonic: What does it say?
Eggman: it turns out that she was an urban legend when she became a winged cat species.
Tails: To add that, she has strong strength, and one of the enemy is trying to get her.

Everyone gasped as they heard this, Tails looked at Tatiana with concern, realizing the danger she was in.

Eggman: It turns out that the urban legend about her species is true. She is indeed a legendary creature of great strength.
Tails: There seem to be enemies interested in her abilities.
Shadow: But we can't let anyone else get their hands on her. We have to protect Tatiana The Winged Cat at all costs.
Amy: I agree, we need to track down those who are after her and stop them before it's too late.

Tatiana The Winged Cat sits down, and she hears that and sees her friends.

Shadow: Tatiana, we need to know.
Amy: Who is trying to get you?
Sonic: Is it someone we know

Tatiana looks at everyone, and she has to tell them who it is that tried to get her from the beginning.

It's Mephiles that is trying to get me and knows how powerful I am.

After hearing Tatiana's revelation, the group is stunned into silence for a moment. Sonic is the first to speak up, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Sonic: Mephiles, huh? We've crossed paths with him before.
Shadow: And if he's after Tatiana because of her power, we can't underestimate him.
Amy: We should be able to take him on.
Tails: We've faced worse before. We can handle this.
Eggman: But what's his motive? What does he want with Tatiana?

Then, before Tatiana can speak, a sudden surge of purple energy surges through the air, startling everyone. A swirling vortex of dark energy appears before Eggman's base, crackling with intense power.

The heroes watch in shock and disbelief as a massive beam of purple energy descends from the vortex, hitting the ground directly in front of Eggman's base with a resounding crash.

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