Chapter 9: Jackal appears

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It was morning, Tatiana and Jane was awake and she was in her clothes and she looked at herself in the mirror.

Tatiana: come on Jane, we can go out.
Jane: Chao!!

Then they went downstairs to see Eggman who was on the couch and Tatiana doesn't see her brother anywhere.

Tatiana: hey, Eggman.
Eggman; hello cat, food is on the table.
Tatiana: okay, thanks.

She went to the table and eat, after she was done, she and Jane went off the table and walked.

Tatiana: hey, do you know where Nate is?
Eggman: he went off to play games.
Tatiana: okay, we'll come back soon.
Eggman: okay, be safe.
Tatiana: we will.

They left the base and walked outside.

At Amy's house, Shadow was at the table, eating the breakfast that Amy made.

Shadow: this is really good.
Amy: thanks.
Shadow: you're welcome.

Then he got done and sat down on the couch, Amy went on the couch and sat down.

Amy: hey, Shadow.
Shadow: yes, Rose?
Amy: do you ever think of someone who wants to get the Winged Cat?
Shadow: not sure, Rose.

They looked down and thought of it to each other.

The pink cat and her Chao walked until they we're next to the racing track, they sat down on the bench, Tatiana looked at sky.

Tatiana: I just love being outside to see animals and the sky.
Jane: Chao!

They laid down on the bench and closed their eyes, then the winged cat heard a bird singing by tweeting.

Tatiana: wow I guess, birds can sing.

The bird continues singing, the cat looked and smiled, then two creature went to the pink winged cat.

???: Hello.

Then she opened her eyes and saw the same green hedgehog before and a red fox girl, the Winged Cat got up and looked.

Tatiana: what are you doing, here?
Scourge: to finish off where we were.
Fiona: yeah, you are messing with the wrong people.

Then Tatiana stands up with her Chao sitting down and looked at them.

Tatiana: well, he was the one to was getting on me, so I had to do what's right, animals.

Scourge and Fiona gasped of her words, they got mad at her and looked back at her.

Fiona: you have no way to say that!
scourge: and we'll get you back from that!
Tatiana: okay, you want to beat me, try your best.

Scourge ran to the cat and the cat jumps from the attack, Tatiana used her tail and grabbed Scourge and throw him on the ground.

Fiona: you're gonna pay for doing that!!!

She ran to the cat and punched her, Tatiana was still up. She ran to the red fox and throw her to a tree, Scourge looked at the cat.

Scourge: that's enough!!

Scourge punch her, than Fiona kicked the cat, Tatiana fell on the ground, she tried to get up. Scourge pines the Winged Cat down on the ground, Scourge looked down at her.

Scourge: you should never mess with me.
Fiona: yeah!
???: Hey!!

They turned around and saw a Jackal, he stand there looking at them.

Infinite: let her go.
Scourge: if it is Infinite.
Fiona: where is your mask, put it on and we can finish her.

Infinite looked at the pink winged cat not moving, he looked mad at them.

Infinite: no!
Fiona: what did you say?
Infinite: I said no, I leave my mask in a safe, I'm not a villain, I'm a good person.

Then Tatiana opened her eyes as her teeth grew sharp, she used it and bite Scourge and throw him to a tree. Then "Hero by Skillet" came on as Scourge stand up and looked at her.

🎶Who's gonna fight for the weak, who's gonna make 'em believe?
I've got a hero🎶

Scourge: alright, the fight is on!

🎶I've got a hero
Livin' in me
I've gotta fight for what's right, today I'm🎶

Tatiana and Infinite fight together, she kicked Fiona and backflip behind her and grabbed her tail.

🎶speakin' my mind
And if it kills me tonight🎶

Fiona: hey...
Tatiana: slam down!

🎶I will be ready to die
A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time🎶

Then Tatiana slammed Fiona on the ground and fight scourge with Infinite, Scourge grabbed Infinite.

🎶I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero
To save me now
I need a hero to save my life🎶

Scourge: you're finished.
Tatiana: he's not!

🎶A hero will save me
Just in time
I need a hero🎶

Scourge looked, Tatiana ran to him and punch him on the ground, and fight.

🎶Who's gonna fight for what's right, who's gonna help us survive?
I need a hero🎶

Scourge: you're done.
Tatiana: I don't think so, punk!

🎶Who's gonna fight for the weak, who's gonna make 'em believe?
I need a hero🎶

Then she grabbed his throat and throw him on the ground, she grabbed his legs and throw him to a tree and let go.

🎶I need a hero
A hero's gonna save me just in time🎶

Scourge and Fiona were down and looked at the ones who beat them.

Scourge: how...can you beat us?
Tatiana: it takes a girl to know.
Infinite: and it's hard work.

Fiona and Scourge got up and ran away from them, Infinite looked at Tatiana and see bruises.

Infinite: are you okay?
Tatiana: yeah, I'm good.
Infinite: my name is Infinite.
Tatiana: mine is Tatiana, the winged cat.

Infinite stand there and smiled, Tatiana looked back at him seeing a Jackal.

Jane: Chao Chao!

They turned around and saw the purple Chao, she went to her owner worried.

SONIC QUEST: BLACK HEART TO LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now