Chapter 5: awaken

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It was morning, Amy woke up with Shadow next to her, she smiled and got off of bed, she took a shower and she makes breakfast, Shadow came down.

Amy: morning, Shadow.
Shadow: good morning, thanks for the breakfast.
Amy: of course.

Then they sat down as they were eating their food, Shadow couldn't stop looking at her and talked.

Amy: so, when is our date at?
Shadow: tonight at 8:00, if you're ok with it.
Amy: yeah.

Then Amy changed into her normal dress, and she and Shadow went out of the house and walked, then Rouge came.

Amy: hey, Rouge.
Shadow: hey.
Rouge: we need to get to Eggman's base, he and Tails need us.

Then they followed Rouge, as they got there and went where the winged cat is at.

Amy: how is she doing, Tails?
Tails: she's fine, didn't wake up yet
Eggman: yeah, but this one woke up last night.
Nate: hey.

They turned and saw the green dog awake, and went closer to him.

Cream: who are you?
Nate: my name is Nate The Dog.
Rouge: a good name.
Sonic: good to see you awake, kiddo.

Then Sonic grabbed Nate and uses hand and rubb his head, Nate got out looked at everyone.

Shadow: who is this cat with wings?
Nate: that is my older sister, she takes care of me.
Amy: do we know when she will wake up?
Nate: no.

Then they heard a voice, they turned and looked, Tatiana started to wake up, and opened her eyes and see other creatures in front of her and back up.

Nate: it's okay sis, they're good.

Then the green dog walked to his sister and hugged her, Tatiana returned the hug.

Tatiana: it's good to see you okay.
Nate: you too.

Then they leg go from the hug, Amy went closer and put her hand on the cat's hand.

Amy: who are you?
Tatiana: I'm Tatiana The Winged Cat, and sister of Nate The Dog.

She looked at Nate and smiled, then Tatiana tried to get up, but she felt pain from her left leg.

Tatiana: ouch!

Then she laid back down and got sad, Rouge didn't know what happened and went closer.

Rouge: what is it?
Shadow: it's her leg, it's hurt.
Eggman: maybe that happened when they crash here.
Tails: here, hold still.
Tatiana: okay.

She watches as Tails was looking at her leg, Amy looked at Tatiana and saw her hair and clothes were mess up.

Blaze: she should take a bath.
Amy: I'll help her take one.
Vanilla: me too.
Rouge: I'll buy her clothes.

Rouge flew to the store and Amy and Vanilla helps Tatiana to the bathroom.

Tatiana: ouch.
Vanilla: it's okay, dear.

Then they got to the bathroom and started the water, they carefully put Tatiana in the tube and helped her with washing her fur.

Vanilla: nice and easy, girl.
Amy: we'll get you clean soon.
Tatiana: thanks.

Then Rouge came in with new clothes for the cat, and closed the door.

Rouge: I got the clothes.
Amy: that's good.
Vanilla: we are just getting her done.

Then they got her out and cleaned her, then after that, Rouge grabbed the clothes, Amy and Vanilla were by the door.

Amy: we will be waiting out.
Rouge: okay.

Then Amy and Vanilla went out the bathroom and saw everyone.

Knuckles: is she done, yet?
Vanilla: not yet.
Amy: Rouge is helping Tatiana chang.

They sat down as they wait, Amy was sitting next to Shadow.

Shadow: you okay, Rose?
Amy: yeah, I'm fine.
Shadow: good to hear.

Then Sonic looked at them seeing them about to kiss, he went over.

Sonic: Amy, why are you around Shadow?
Amy: me and him are together.

Everyone gasped as they heard, Sonic got shocked of what Amy said.

Sonic: and why, he just gonna hurt you, do something bad, I mean, is he good for you!!?
Shadow: shut up Faker, I will never hurt a rose like her, she good enough for me then you know!!

Then Sonic started going to Shadow and fight, Rouge finished helping Tatiana.

Rouge: there you go, nice and cute.

Tatiana was wearing pink shoes with yellow buttons, lime green skirt, purple shirt, green headband and her hair as a ponytail, she has the butterfly broch  on her blue belt.

Tatiana: thank you.
Rouge your welcome, hon.

Then Rouge carried Tatiana out and saw a fighting, Rouge went to Knuckles.

Rouge: what's going on?
Knuckles: Amy told Sonic that she and Shadow are together and Sonic got mad and fight.

Rouge saw what was happening and she give Knuckles the cat and went to the boys, she grabbed Sonic and Shadow with her arms.

Rouge: both of you, stop it!!
Sonic: he's the one who should not be with Amy!!

Then she put them on the table and looked at them.

Rouge: what does it matter, if she is his true love they can be together, I been watching their relationship years ago or do you not trust Amy?
Everyone: ohh.

Sonic looked as everyone did that, then he looked back at Rouge.

Sonic: I do trust Amy, I just don't want him doing anything bad.
Rouge: if you trust her, let her be, she can take of herself.
Sonic: fine, he better not do anything to Amy.
Rouge: he won't Sonic, I know him.

Then they shake hand and walk were they were and they looked at each other.

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