Chapter 3: Rescued

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It was morning, Amy was waking up and sketch herself.

Amy: a another morning day.

She went downstairs and made breakfast, when she was eating her phone rang and it was Cream, Amy answered the call.

Amy: hey, Cream.
Cream: hey, Amy, do you want to hang out?
Amy: sure Cream, I'll get ready.
Cream: okay, I'll see you soon.

Then Amy hang up the call and finished the food and went to take a shower, after that she went to the closet and put on the same dress when she came back.

Amy: nice for Cream to hang out with me.

Amy went out of her house and closed the door, she was walking as she got to Cream's house, Amy knock on the door and Vanilla opened and smiled.

Vanilla: hey, Amy.
Amy: hi vanilla, where's Cream?
Vanilla: she's getting ready.

Then Cream came out wearing her same dress but different, she hugged Amy and smiled.

Amy: you look good, Cream.
Cream: thank you Amy, and I bring some food for us to have a picnic.

Amy grabbed the basket and hugged vanilla, then they were about to go.

Amy: bye, Vanilla.
Cream: bye Mom.
Vanilla: bye, girls.

Then Amy, Cheese and Cream walk to the park and set everything up for a picnic, Amy is liking the food that Cream made.

Amy: this is good Cream.
Cream: thank you, Miss Amy, me and Cheese made this.
Cheese: chao chao!!

As they were eating, Shadow was walking and saw Cream, Cheese and expectly Amy Rose, he felt his heartbeat and went to them.

Shadow: hi, Rose and Cream.
Amy: hey, shady.
Cream: hi, Mr Shadow.

Then Shadow sit next to Amy and talked to them.

Shadow: what are you girls doing?
Cream: having a picnic and talking.
Amy: yeah, it's what we like to do together.

Amy smiled at him, Shadow smiled back and looked at Cream, she whispered in his ears.

Cream: are you gonna tell her?
Shadow: of what?
Cream: your feeling...
Shadow: oh right, I hope do well.

Then Cream went back to set and looked, Shadow breath in and out and looked at Amy.

Shadow: hey, Rose?
Amy: yes, Shady?
Shadow: there's something I didn't tell you before you left.
Amy: I'm listening.

Shadow then becomes nervous and put his hand on Amy's, she keeps looking.

Shadow: I... I want to tell you that... I have...have...

Before Shadow can finish they heard something from the sky, they looked and saw a pod.

Shadow: a pod?
Cream: what the?
Amy: lets follow it.

Amy, Shadow, Cheese and Cream run were the pod crashed and went closer, the others came and saw.

Sonic: wow.
Tails: it's a pod.
Shadow: it came from space.

As they looked, Eggman came and saw the pod, Rouge turned around and saw him.

Rouge: eggman, what are you doing here?
Eggman: I just saw the pod crash.
Tails: let me open it.

Tails put in the password, when it open they gasped of what they saw.

Amy: woah.
Sonic: who are they?
Rouge: a pink cat with wings?
Cream: and a green dog.

In the pod was Tatiana The Winged Cat hugging her brother Nate The dog, Eggman went off his Egg Mobile and went closer.

Eggman: wow, the green one is a boy, and the pink one is a girl.
Tails: this is new, we need to take them somewhere.
Eggman: let's bring them to my lab.

Amy and Shadow carried the pink winged cat, Knuckles and Rouge carried the green dog and headed to Eggman's base.

At sundown...

Eggman and Tails had the creatures on the lab table, the winged cat and dog had oxygen mask on, the cat's leg is hurt, Tails was checking on their heartbeats, Sonic and the others looked.

Sonic: how are they doing?
Tails: doing fine.
Eggman: both of them are gonna be unconscious until tomorrow, but they have to stay with me.
Amy: and don't worry Sonic, he will get them better.
Sonic: I hope so.

They looked at the girl and boy on the bed from the glass wall, Shadow put a hand under his chin and walked closer.

Shadow: Tails, do we know what they are?
Tails: well, the boy is a green dog, but I'm not sure about the girl, but we will know tomorrow.
Amy: I hope they be better.

Shadow looked at Amy with a chill face, Shadow put a hand on her shoulder, Amy looked.

Shadow: don't be sad Rose, it will be fine.
Amy: thanks, Shad.

Shadow started smiled at her and give her a hug, Sonic looked at Shadow.

Sonic: I'm keeping my eyes on him.
Knuckles: don't sweat it man.
Cream: be nice to Mr Shadow, even though he's a friend.

Shadow and Amy let go and everyone went out, Eggman stayed to heal the dog and Winged cat, Tails looked.

Tails: I'm going, you can take care of them.
Eggman: no need to tell me, I know what to do.
Tails: okay, bye.

Then Tails went away when Eggman looked at the dog and Winged cat.

Eggman: what ever the girl is, I will find out soon.

With Amy, Shadow, Cheese and Cream...

They were the picnic was at, Cream grabbed the picnic and they take her home.

Cream: thanks for hanging out with me.
Amy: we're friends Cream, I'm happy to hang out.

Then Cream was going in her house, Shadow and Amy went to Amy's house.

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