°•Special welcome home.•°

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Raspberry Cookie X Shy!Dom!Male!Reader [smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]
Y/CN = Your Cookie Name
(Raspberry Cookie is 27 and you're 5 months younger/older than her and yes I just ruined that video)

You're 17 here and so is Raspberry

Today was a very nice day. Beautiful weather, children running around and everything positive. That was until those three came along. Hazelnut, Pecan and Cashew nut Cookie. Those three girls would never leave me alone. People always wonder why I wouldn't stand up for myself, especially if the cookies who were bullying me were girls. They always say "Be a man and show those brats who's boss!" or "Stop being such a baby and ignore them, they're just girls." it's not easy when you don't want to fight whatsoever or when you're taught not to EVER hit girls.

It gets harder when these girls are your childhood bullies and still didn't stop. I was walking through a uncrowded part of the town when the three came up to me. "Well well, look who it is, the useless waste of dough who calls himself a cookie." Pecan nut Cookie, the leader of the trio taunted. "Why are you so scared huh? Is it because we're better than you? Or is it because you're a nobody? I mean I get I totally do, being a loner, freak and ugly cookie, makes sense why you'd be scared of the more superior cookies." Hazelnut added.

"Hah! I totally get you Hazel, why was a nobody like him even added into the world? I mean, look at him! His clothes are disgusting, his hair, his shoes, his personality, his dough (skin), he should've died that day." Cashew finished. That day... The three had thrown me into a water lake while we were on a school trip... I almost died... "Please go away-" "Or what?! What're ya gonna do nobody?" "Useless." "Freak-" "Hey!" A voice shouted. We turned into the direction from where it came from.

It was Raspberry Cookie. Why would she- "Back off or things will end miserably for you." She said stomping towards us. "Raspberry Cookie?!" "Yes, it is I! Now go apologize to this cookie or have a taste of my sabre." She said raising her sabre. "Of course!" "We're sorry!" "Please don't hurt us!" They all apologized and ran as fast as they could. "Uhm thank you." I smiled shyly. "You're welcome, my name's Raspberry Cookie." "I'm Y/CN." I replied. "You know I don't do this whatsoever, if anything this would be very out of the ordinary for but you're a pretty cute guy." She complimented. I blushed out of embarrassment.

"Haha! Well I must take my leave now, if you ever need press this." She said handing me a necklace with some button behind the charm. "O-oh thanks!" I thanked her. "Anywho, hope to see you later Y/CN!" She greeted and went her way.

10 years later ╮( .❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭ - The present:

"Raspberry I'm home from my-" Before I could even finish my sentence I was tackled by none other than Raspberry Cookie herself. "Oh dearest I've missed you!" She said smothering me with kisses. "Oh wow I've missed you too haha!" I laughed at how much affection she was giving me. "You had me worried that something happened to you! You're three days later than you said you'd be home." She said very unaware that she's suffocating me with her chest. "W-well something unexpected showed up and all of us had to stay to examine it- Raspberry dear, I can't breathe." I said also telling her I couldn't breathe.

"Oh sorry!" She said getting off me. I gestured for her to pull me up and she did. "Well whatever the case is I'm happy you're safe, oh I made your favorite!" She said dragging me to the kitchen. "Ta-da!" She showed proudly. My favorite meals. "Wow Raspberry, when you said you were gonna make my favorite I didn't think you'd go this far." I chuckled shyly. "Only the best for my husband." She said leaning on to me. "Well what are you waiting for? Go wash up and come eat!" She said ushering me out of the kitchen.

After your shower (almost there!) ~

After I was done showering I went to the kitchen to eat. I took a bite and saw Raspberry waiting for my reaction. "Woah, you've improved so much!" I exclaimed. "Yes! I knew you'd like it!" She said fist bumping the air. This is a side nobody will ever see from her, except me. "Thank you for doing this for me Raspberry, I was pretty hungry I mean, I haven't eaten since I got back on the balloon." I said leaning back in my chair.

We sat in a comfortable silence before she spoke. "Weell, aren't you hungry for anything else?" She asked. I cocked my head, confused about what she meant. "Heh, follow me my dear.~" She said with a tone I'm not so sure I like. She got up from her seat, took my hand and lead me to the bedroom? "Um Raspberry darling what are you-" I was pushed onto the bed without a warning. "Sometimes You're innocence amuses me Y/CN." She said crawling onto me... Well this escalated quickly. "U-uhm Raspberry are we going to do this n-now?" I asked now super embarrassed.

"You and I have been separated for 15 days Y/CN... Too long have I been separated from my love. Surely you didn't think I'd just let you go after 15 days did you?" She asked. I didn't know what to say, my face was very red and I was frozen in place. "Relax my dear, allow me to pleasure you, after all you've been working very very hard.~" She smirked and pulled down my pants without me realizing it.

Suddenly I felt something warm and tight around my lower region. I grunted at that feeling and looked to see what it was. She seemed to have made herself comfortable on my shaft. "Ngh!~" She moaned. "Let me show you, how much I've missed you." She said moving her hips. I let out quiet groans or grunts to keep her from moving any faster. Obviously that failed as she started to move faster after she heard that second groan. "Ah!~" Her quiet soft moans started to become louder and she was moving very fast.

I couldn't just wait there anymore... I needed control and I needed it now (2d dick power baby). Without warning I flipped her over. "Y/CN?!" "Sorry my dear, but I won't let another girl toy around with me." I said pushing or better said slamming into her. "AH! Y-Y/CN!~" She kept moaning louder and I kept going. She's never seen this part of me before seeing as I'm always the submissive one during times like this. I could feel her wanting to cum so I stopped. "Y/CN *pant* please why?" She asked gripping my back. Finally for once, I'm in control.

"Aw gonna cum so soon?~" I teased. I didn't get an answer but her face was enough to explain the answer. "What's the matter can't talk?" I teased yet again. "Well if you want me to continue do be warned that I won't stop until I want to." I told her. Finally she looked up at me and smirked. "Give it your all, make me yours.~" "See? That's all you had to say.~" I replied. "Let's get all of this off of you, I need a good view from everything." I took off her long sleeved shirt and bra. "Much better." "What about you? You can't just keep your shirt on, that's cheating!" She pouted. I shrugged and took off my shirt. I forgot that she likes to stare when I don't have my shirt on.

I took this as my chance to slam into her. "AHH!~" She let out a very loud moan. Thankfully we don't really live near houses so neighbours weren't a problem. I kept going and going until I got her special spot, if that's what you wanna call it. "T-there! Please!~" As you wish. I abused that spot more than I should because before I knew it, she already came. "Really Ras? You always last way longer than this." I playfully mocked her. "Ugh... Don't... StOP!~" I kept going. Oh did she feel so good. Her womb is so warm, tight but not too tight.

I could feel myself wanting to cum so I started to go faster. "Hrk...!" I felt it. Just a little... "Ah! N-now I'm done." I looked down at Raspberry and she was exhausted and probably sore. "Don't underestimate me Ras, might result with you not being able to walk for a few days." I said and all she could do was nod. Well that certainly was my special welcome home.


"Happy father's day!" "*Chokes on food* What?!" I'm gonna be a dad. I'm gonna be a dad!


I think I'm getting used to this

Y/CN the great cookie! (CRK X Reader Oneshots) [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now