{•The Tower of "Chaos"•} pt. 1

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Red Velvet Cookie x Fem!Reader [Platonic ♧]
Y/CN = Your Cookie Name
Wow I've never gotten a Red Velvet Cookie request until now ofc so uh enjoy! (You guys are both the same age like uhm 25-35? You choose)

Red Velvet Cookie POV:

"Chiffon!" I called out to my cake hounds and soon he appeared (wait what the fuck is chiffon's gender-). "What have you gathered Chiffon?" I asked my beloved cake hound after returning from his little information spree. In response to that question he told me gingerbread and his friends will soon be arriving at the Tainted Forest. Seems like Pomegranate Cookie will be sure to make an appearance there, as for chiffon himself, he played around a little before coming to me. "Thank you Chiffon, you may go play until further notice." I dismissed him and got back to the planning of stopping Gingerbrave and his friends incase they surpass Pomegranate Cookie which is almost guaranteed. As I was busy brainstorming I heard some distant laughter.

I stopped what I was doing to go check out the commotion and there she was, Y/CN. "Y/CN!" "Red Velvet!" I went up to her and hugged her. "And how is my amazing adopted brother doing?" "Very good, and what about my elegant adopted sister?" I asked in response. "Amazing brother! I actually came here to get you so we could spend some time together sparring!" She happily exclaimed. I slightly frowned. "I apologise Y/CN I can't." I told her. "Aw why not?" She asked disappointed. "I need to form a plan for when Gingerbrave and his friends manage to make their way to Pomegranates other stones she planted across a specific area of Earthbread." I explained.

"Ugh and let me guess, she ordered you to do this?" She asked disgusted. "Yes she did." I replied. "Really Red Velvet? She literally bosses everyone around like we're her slaves and punishes or shames us for even the smallest things! Not only is she overworking you but she's ruining our daily sibling spars as well!" She said angrily. "Y/CN-" "No brother, I shall not stand for this and once she comes back I'll give her a piece of my mind. Come on we are going sparring whether you like it or not, besides you need a break. Come on Chiffon" She said dragging me to the training area. She really is difficult but she's my sister, I can't really do anything about it.

"Now tell me, have the cake brute productions been going well?" She asked while swinging her [weapon of choice] at me. "They were until a cookie who calls herself Pastry Cookie stalled my production." I told her while dodging her attacks. "So that's where the arrow wound came from?" She asked, anger growing in her voice. "Yes." I replied. "Well then, wherever this Pastry Cookie is, if she ever shows her face at this tower again I'll be the first to know and end her miserable existence." She said sweeping my off my feet. "Heh I win." She chuckled while lending me an arm. "Now now Y/CN, it would only be fair for me to take the kill considering she almost murdered Chiffon-" "SHE WHAT?!" She yelled letting me go abruptly.

"Oof!" "Sorry!" I told her it was alright and got up. "Yes, she did almost murder our beloved Chiffon." Chiffon began to whimper slightly after I said that making my anger spike immediately. "Well then brother, we will take the kill together like true siblings. Now come help me set up my traps, I'm sure you can give me some... constructive criticism haha!" "Please Y/CN not now..." I sighed out knowing all to well once she starts she won't stop. "Aw come on loosen up!" She said elbowing my side. "Yes yes whatever, come on Chiffon." I said and we went outside. Once we arrived outside some of her traps were ready set to make sure Gingerbrave doesn't succeed on his pathetic quest. "The one on the left could go higher into the tree, Pomegranate told me there's a thief on the team so she'd be able to spot that easily." I told her and she thanked me.

"Thank you brother, now that that's settled we can take a break and hang out together, right chiffon?" "Arf!" "See even Chiffon wants to hang out with you." She smirked at me playfully. "Fine, it's not like I'm in a hurry anyway." I replied chuckling a little. "Alrighty! Let's go brother!"



sually when it comes to RV I actually have no idea what to write for him since I can picture the tower very vividly and can't really find a way to make it work but this one is fun and I definitely plan on making a part 2 or maybe even a part 3! Not guaranteed tho so don't get your hopes up.

This was requested by JilenChephirahMendoz enjoy comrade

Y/CN the great cookie! (CRK X Reader Oneshots) [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now