Better times♡

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Dark Cacao x Fem!Reader [smut (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠]
Y/CN = Your Cookie Name
Tw: Yandere (you will soon see why) and you know the drill (age? Well honestly for the sake of keeping my mind off creeps I'll put in 36 & 30. He's 36 and you're 30 also its a lil angsty first but it'll move to smut soon)

Dark Cacao POV:

"Please?" "No Y/CN." I replied for the thirteenth time. "But please, imagine how cute the child would look." She reminded me again. "And my answer is still no." I replied whilst perfecting my sword swing. "Alright but I'm not done yet you'll see." She said using her two fingers to point at my eyes saying 'I've got my eye on you' and exited the training grounds. I rolled my eyes and continued focusing on my attack.

Timeskip 5 hours~

I was getting ready to have meeting with my best watchers concerning the aggression of the Licorice sea and the dragons. I put on my coat and soon walked towards the meeting room. "His majesty has arrived." One of the guards said as I entered the room. All of my best watchers stood up and bowed their heads. "At ease soldiers." I said and they all sat back down as I walked towards the empty seat. "As you all know the Licorice sea and the dragons of both the North and South have shown signs of aggression towards the Kingdom." I spoke. "It won't be long until an attack will be sent out and we must be prepared once that time comes." I continued.

"Furthermore there have been rumors of a cookie who is working alongside the Licorice sea and we must find them immediately before the situation gets worse." I finished. The watchers looked at each other, slightly panicked murmur spreading across the room. "Your majesty if I may shouldn't we be sending guards out already to find the perpetrator instead of waiting?" A watcher suggested while the others agreed. "I would've already done so if there weren't any sudden deaths of guards a few weeks ago." I replied sternly. "But you are correct nonetheless." I said. I called out to one of the castle guards and ordered a patrol to the village.

"That is settled. Now we must focus on the dragons and the sea-" "Sire! The Queen has gone missing!" A cookie yelled slamming the doors open. There was a synced gasp among the watchers as I immediately stood up. "What? How long? When? What happened?" I asked running towards our room. The servants followed me while I stood there in the doorway. "The Queen's maids explained that they were about to enter the living quarters when they heard a window break. As soon as they entered the room the Queen was nowhere to be found." The servant explained (I am not gonna make up a name just for the plot so just deal with it). "Have my armour and Soul Jam ready and get me the general." I commanded.

I approached her personal belongings and found her [jewellery of choice]. There was a red colour on it. This was strawberry jam... I rushed towards the armoury, put my armour on and took the Soul Jam. Once I got outside the general was waiting for me. "I await your orders sir." "Have patrol on the for as long as I'm gone and have watchers on every corner of the castle." I ordered. "Do you need anyone to assist you on your search sir?" "No, I will be going alone." I said and mounted a horse. I immediately spurred my horse and exited the castle grounds. I made my journey towards the mountains, once I find her abductor the penalty will be death.

Y/CN the great cookie! (CRK X Reader Oneshots) [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now