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Gumball Cookie x Fem!Artist!Reader [Platonic ♧]
Y/CN = Your Cookie Name
Age? Well you both seem like teenagers so 15 and 14. You can choose.


I was sitting outside not by choice but by force by Gingerbrave because apparently I spend too much of time inside drawing. Anyways I was currently sitting on a bench with a table under a tree with some nice shade drawing with a new art style I developed. It's called [preferred art style] and it's really amazing (currently in the process of learning the dishonored art style so wish me luck). Anyways as I was saying I was busy drawing a portrait of [insert random character] because I was kind of bored and wanted to test out my skill of this new style when suddenly out of nowhere some random colours splodged my drawing. "Hey what the heck man!" I abruptly stood up to face the unknown cookie who ruined my perfectly good drawing.

"Sorry Y/CN, I was just busy creating art!" Said the cookie whom just revealed himself to be Gumball cookie. We've been friends since childhood so this wasn't a surprise but still a nuisance. "Gumball Cookie how many times do I have to tell you, never ruin an artist's work, they put a lot of time and effort into it! Would you like it if I ruined your art?" I asked irritated. "No." "Alright than stop ruining other people's art!" I scolded. He looked slightly ashamed of himself as he apologised. I was in a bad mood so obviously because I had to be outside but I still felt bad so I told him its ok but just to be careful next time.

Timeskip 3 hours later~

We were at a birthday party currently and I was not happy. I'm not even close friends with this person but Gingerstupid forced me to go outside so there's that. Just then Gumball Cookie approached me. "Heya Y/CN, you lookin' a little bored." He said standing beside me. "Heh yeah too many people for my liking, I just wanna go home and sleep is that so much to ask?" I said sarcastically. "Cherry Cookie and Pancake Cookie will be joining us too if that's okay with you." Gumball Cookie added. Oh nice the few kids I actually get along with. "Yay! I really love those two, they're fun." I replied.

Timeskip 2 hours~

"YEAH GOT EM!" I exclaimed happily as Cherry Cookie and I were winning at paintball war minus the guns and just balloons filled with paint. "Look out!" Cherry Cookie yelled as Pancake Cookie came flying (literally) towards us "Take cover!!" I yelled at I ran behind a tree. Luckily for me I wasn't hit by any paint balloons Pancake Cookie threw at us. "Y/CN..." Cherry Cookie weakly called out. "Cherry! Oh no speak to me pal, speak to me!" I said sliding on my knees towards her. "Pancake Cookie... He got me." She weakly said. "Take these paint bombs and win... agh..." Was all she said before she made some dramatic noises and fake died. "I will avenge you Cherry!" I said dramatically. "Alright your out go sit at the side lines." I soon said breaking character. "Aw man, at least you're still in, you can still win for us." She said smiling again.

"Don't worry I will avenge you and will win." I said taking three of her bombs. "Yeah go Y/N!" She cheered running to the side of the arena. "Alright you two you're going down!" "Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" Gumball Cookie yelled from behind a tree. "Yeah we're totally gonna win!" Pancake Cookie added. I payed attention to what they were doing, they were trying to bait me to their safe area so they could 'kill' me. I saw a weak spot of theirs and started moving in that direction. "Aww is Y/CN too scared to face us?" Pancake Cookie mocked. They were trying to get me to expose myself so they could hit me, too bad I was already near.

All I need right now was to aim the bomb precisely. I threw one but missed forcing me to throw the other with it. "AH SHE'S OVER THERE!" Pancake Cookie yelled. As if everything went slow motion, gumball cookie threw a paint balloon at me the same time the cherry bombs exploded. I got hit with the paint balloon on the head while the other two were blown away, literally (my best attempt at a pun T^T). I dropped to my butt on impact while Pancake Cookie landed in a tree and Gumball Cookie on a small log. "Did we just tie?" I asked rubbing the paint off my eyes. "Oh wow we did!" Gumball Cookie said loud enough so I could hear.

Than I saw Cherry Cookie running towards us in the distance. "Oh wow Y/N that was amazing!! Too bad we tied, though it was fun!" Cherry Cookie exclaimed as she helped me up. "Yeah it really was! I'm so glad I chose to go with you guys instead." "Yeah me too!" Gumball Cookie spoke while walking over to Cherry and I. "And Pancake are you alright?" "I'm ok!" Pancake Cookie yelled from the tree. "So we better get cleaned up." "Yeah." Cherry Cookie agreed. "Cherry Cookie! Where are you? It's me your sister!" A cookie who I assume is Cherry Blossom called out. "Aw looks like I gotta go, bye guys." Cherry Cookie pouted. "Aw don't be sad at least we had fun!" Gumball Cookie said trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah Cherry, we can always play next time." I added. "Oh well alright, bye guys." Cherry said and went over to her sister. "Well that was fun." I spoke sighing heavily. "Oh well better go home, come on Pancake Cookie." Gumball Cookie said walking over towards Pancake Cookie. "Coming!" Pancake Cookie said from the tree. "Well I'll see ya tomorrow Y/N." Gumball Cookie said waving slightly. "You too pal." I said and took a shortcut home.


Well that took longer than it should have and do not ask why I put jojo music (this was requested by JilenChephirahMendoz)

Y/CN the great cookie! (CRK X Reader Oneshots) [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now