Power Armor go brrrr

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All things power armor go here.

So when you, the SS, get into a set of power armor, your companions got something say, Nick says that he's 'always wondered what you would look like as a robot, not to shabby", Danse is gonna be Danse, and I think Cait is like the only one who will ask where her own set is.

Why don't they have something to say when you tell them to get into a set of PA???? They all got something to say when you get into it, why don't they?

I can see Cait getting all pridefully and power hungry "let's take on the whole damn world!"

But also why don't some of them reject the idea of getting into the set of PA? Not everyone will be on board with getting into a suit of l PA without a little bit of resistance.

Like MacCready is a sniper, how the fuck can you do snipping and be quiet when lugging around a cage made of metal. I can see him saying something like "thanks but I think I'll stick to what I got going on right now."

But depending on the quest/mission that you are either doing or are about to do, they can decide. Like if you gotta go kill 1 person then those who are against PA won't get into it but if like 10+ then yeah they'll get into it.

It also comes down to their thoughts and such. Yeah it's 10+ people but you can pick them off one by one, they are all spread out so it's a no go for the PA. Cait loves hand-to-hand combat but she wouldn't mind an extra layer of protection.

This devolved into me rambling about some PA mechanics with the Companions but I think it would be better for gaming immersion.

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