Fav Numbers.

71 2 0


It's the start of Pi.She's a robot that does calculations, this was to be expected.


7's just a weird number in general.Why does it exist? No one really ever uses it? It just tends to get discarded.Yes, she kinda relates to the number. No she won't elaborate.


Nice and simpleRolls right off the tongue.


She finds 3 cute actual but doesn't want it to be alone so why not multiply it?


What he always strives forGiving it all ya got, plus some more.


Loves to tell people his favorite numberHe's a troll, a liar, what did ya expect?


Prefers the bigger number be before first.No one knows why.


Has a liking towards even numbers.They are easy to divide, what else needs to be said?


Really prefers any number over 0.Most caps he's ever held at once.


Just to fuck with people.Bad publicity is still publicity.

Porter Gage-69

We all knew this was coming.He's a raider? What else did ya expect? A nice clean number?


It's the amount of people he managed to save after Quincy and the museum of Freedom.He wants to beat that but it will always hold a special place in his heart.


What he strives forNo need to over push himself, 100 is perfect after all.There's really no rhyme or reason to this, I just thought it would funny lmao. still have yet to play with Old Longfellow, I gotta get around to it damn it.


I love doing and makin the companions react and such but it's honestly quite hard tryin to keep in mind that I'm trying to do these in the fallout universe and not in real life. Obviously it's not always noticeable that I'm trying to differentiate between the two worlds and I often do end up mixing both of the worlds in the post's to try and get a solid backing for my reasonings.

Like a prime example of this would be the Compaions and thier favorite numbers post I did. I gave Gage the number 69 cause I'd imagine that the world definitely has some connection to that number, there's isn't a "rules of the Internet" but I'm sure they got some type of rules for doing the deed and the different poses.

But I don't think that they have a thing associated with the number 420 so hence why I didn't give it to hancock, I couldn't form a good reasoning as to why it would be his favorite number, yeah in our world we know the context behind that number but in the fallout universe? I'm not so sure there's anything backing that number.

I know no one has been questioning my logic behind my head cannons but I saw a comment that made this post happen. Absolutely no hate to this person btw, as I said, I just made me think about how I I find my reasoning to my headcannos.

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