Compaion reacts to SS getting drunk.

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Cait- "such a lightweight"

Heavily amused(and jealous) by just how quickly Sole can get drunk.She'll look out for them and keep them outta trouble but she cannot be bothered to nothing more then shout at them or others who want to mess with sole.Sole will wake up half thrown on a bed with some med-x and a cup of water near by.

Codsworth- "mum, I insist that you put that bottle down before yo-oh dear..."

While it does bring him back to good times before the war he does not miss the absolute pain in his rear Sole can be.Powerless to do anything other then give advice or warn other about Sole's actions.Will do his best to ease the hangover, from medicine to pushing everyone away so loud noises wouldn't hurt Sole when they woke up.

Cuire- "I have experienced this sensation before, I do not wish to experience it again."

When did Cuire drunk? Probably Deacon or MacCready. Anyways, she didn't enjoy the hangover part over puking her guts up since she got her synth body.Kinda like Codsworth, she'll be like a parent watchin over their toddler. "Do not touch that!" Or "Put that down!"Sole can expect the hangover be to over the moment they open their eyes. Perks of having a doctor as your companion!

Danse(post BB)- "I thought you were better then that-"

He gave himself high expectations about Sole being able to down more then what they already got in them. Shame.He lets Sole off the hook as long as they stay in his sight, once they're gone he will hunt them down and make them go home.Depending on how much Sole drank, they'll either have to walk it off or he'll crave in and give Sole some medicine to alleviate the hang over.

Deacon "well, this is bound to be interesting just don't go tellin me all your dirty little secrets, I can promise that I won't be able to keep them."

Well someone has to be the responsible one around here and it isn't going to be him. Sole will loose track of Deacon as he switches into costumes whenever he gets the chance.Yeah, Sole is on their own lol.Somehow, some way, Sole will wake up with Deacon not to far from them, passed out. They better hope that they brought enough medicine...

Gage- "damn Boss, best hope that none of bosses catch wind of this."

He'll get wasted alongside Sole once he's made sure that thier reckless actions aren't found out, the last thing Gage wants for the the new Overboss is to have a bad rep with drinks.They both do a lot of questionable things. Not like that, this post of sfw. Example would be Gage taking a leak over the edge of Fizztop grill and onto one of Disciples and the two of them having to hide for dear life.Gage is immune to Hangovers so Sole can expect to be laughed at by Gage.

Hancock-"didn't know you knew how to party!"

He will absolutely shit-faced along side Sole.Someone has to watch over the two otherwise the two are bound blow something up.They both will live the hangover in over-dramatic agony.

MacCready(after the long road ahead) - "I do not know this person, they are not associated with me despite whatever they say."

As long as no one knows the two of them came in together, Sole is on their own. Sole swear's they can still hear Mac laughing when sober.He'll keep watch for trouble but yeah, you're not his problem. Ya may be friends and what else do friends do? Let each other get into embarrassing situations so they can make fun of you laterThe basic needs will be fulfilled.

Nick- "make sure you keep that inside you, I'm not your babysitter"

He never did enjoy being drunk, it made him feel to vulnerable and easy to pick off so yeah safe to say he's not too pleased with Sole getting drunk but he can understand the need of what to do such. He'll remove Sole from their current surroundings and find a safe spot. He's not really lookin coward to having his rep tainted by his weak gutted partner.When Sole wakes up and asked what's going on, Nick will recount the events-in great detail. Wether or not Sole remembers thier actions, they will be reminded.

Piper- "blackmail baby-" *pulls out camera*

Oh does she love it when important figures around her drunk, so much easier to persuade and if that fails- BLACKMAIL BABY!If Sole and her are in a safe space, from a safe distance Piper will watch and wait until Sole does something embarrassing.Sole will wake up with a very nice note filled with demands and questions and a folder of the pictures Piper took.

Preston- "General, you can't lead the Minute Men when your drunk! Plus we've got another set-"

Preston doesn't enjoy drinking, he also doesn't like drunks so yeah he's going to be a bit passive aggressive with Sole, watch out.He will become a helicopter parent, Sole will not be able to move without Preston watching their ever move.The moment Sole wakes up, Preston will ask them to take the medicine to cure their hangover and progress on their day

X6- "you are making a fool of yourself, I advice that you stop doing such."

He doesn't understand why people want to get drunk, he can figure out why but is afraid that he himself will make a fool of himself.Once Sole has started to act unruly, he will remove Sole if they are in the eye of the public other wise he leaves Sole alone.Sole will wake up neatly tucked into a bed, medicine near by to help cure their hangover.

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