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Rye'lnn Nelson
Chicago, IL  📍                                                            

         "RYE.... RYE " I heard yelling coming down the hall causing me to pull the covers over my head

"I seen that "my cousin Kayla said

Hey girl I said playfully propping myself back up in the bed and turning the T.V. on .

"I came to check on you since you stop coming to work" she continue to talk as I kept my eyes on the T.V.

"Hello ...... Are you even listing to me  "she said waving her hand in front of my face

Oh ..My.. God just leave me alone already . I thought to myself flipping through the channels . Moments later we heard knocks at the door causing Kayla to turn to me

"Who dat "

I shrug my shoulder up and down indicating that I didn't know

Kayla got up and I quickly followed her to the door "who is it" we both said aggressively  at the same time

"K3 open the door "

"How you know K3 " Kayla mouth before opening the door

"What you doing here " he said looking weird

"Checking up on my cousin "

"Damn..... Small world "he said before siting down on he couch next to me

So how ya'll know each over I said trynna fill the silence .

"She date my homie "

"So..... Why you here "Kayla said

"Murda ask me to look after her "

"Mmh .... Well I tired talking to her but she don't wanna talk and I gotta be at work so imma go .....If you need anything Rye , call me ok "

I gave her a thumbs up and with that she left

"Have you ate "


"You want to order sum or ...You want me to make you sum or maybe ..."

Or maybe you can leave I said straight facing him

"No ...Or maybe we can go get some"

I just sat there picking at my nails

"Ok clearly you need to get out this house , so go get dress "

I continue to sit and mess with my nails

"So you don't hear me talking to you ...Rye'lynn "

I looked up at him

"Get up and lets go or I will drag you back there myself "

Making my way to my room , I go to my closet to put on some sweat pants and grab a jacket and my slides . I grabbed my charger and keys and leave out

"You ready "

  Sure I said sucking my teeth and letting Kadon go first

"Lady first "

Ya but I live here and I have to lock the door

"Give me the key "

I hand him my keys and roll my eyes

"Do it again and I'ma pop you "

I turned around and rolled them again cause ......Who he thought he was

Chapter 2

How we feeling .... Is it giving yes .... No ....Maybe so

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