137 7 0

Kadon Watson

Chicago, IL 📍

Pulling up to the mall we hopped . The car ride was cool Rye'lnn was talking as if nothing happened . Moment later Trey pulled up next to us .

"I dont care Trey damn " Kayla said getting out the car

"Kayla bro stop talking to me like that foe"he said walking up to her

"Heard " she said moving and going to the back seat of his car

"They ass been arguing the whole way here " Dee said taking out his airpods

I saw Rye'lnn walking around to Trey car

"What happen " she said

"Imma tell you later...take my picture real quick " Kayla said handing Rye'lnn her phone

"Mmch.... man hurry up " Trey said leaning on my car

Rye'lnn took a couple pictures then we started making our way to the front door. Von opened the door for everyone since he was a head of us .

"Where we going first" Rye'lnn said

Ion know about ya'll but a nigga hurgry

"Same "Dee and Von said at the same time

We started making our way to the food court .

"What ya'll "getting Von said looking around

"I want Chick-Fil-A " the girls said at the same time walking off . We all just followed behind them

"Welcome to Chick-Fil-A what can I get started for you today" the girl at the register said

"Can I get a number one large with a lemonade "Rye'lnn spoke

And I want the Same thing

"Ok will that be together or separate "

"Together.... Ya'll take apple pay " she said pulling her phone out

I got it I said pulling a 20 out

"No ....I got it " she said putting her phone to the card reader

The lady handed Rye'lnn the receipt and we stepped to the side to let Kayla and Trey order . After they got done ordering , our food was done so we went to go get a table . Plus I thought this was the perfect time to talk about last night .

Thank you I said sitting down

"For the food " she said sitting down a cross from me

Yes and for last night

"Oh ......Ya no problem that's what friends are for "

So what happen cause Ion really remember nothing and when i woke up I saw that you texted me saying you was coming over I said lying

"Well I came over and we talked about consequences and then we fell asleep" she said looking at her phone eating a fry

Why she ain't say nothing bout the kiss ?

Oh ....Ok . Damn ya'll already started eating Kayla said sitting next to Rye'lnn and Trey sat next to me

Where Von

"Talking to that girl " Dee said sitting at the end

Nigga always spitting game " Trey said And we all turned around looking at him and the girl talk. Then she passed him her phone

"So what we doing after this ... Walking around " Kayla said

"Yea I need to get some stuff " Rye'lnn said drinking her drink

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