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Kadon Watson
Chicago , IL 📍

I pulled up to the chruch and it was packed as usual . I walked in and saw my OG and sat next to her kissing her on the cheek

"Your late "

I know I had to take care of some business . She smacked me on the arm with her fan

"We don't talk about yo business in the house of the lord Kadon Lanell Watson"

I'm sorry I said grabbing her arm and putting it under mine and kissing her hand .

" We'll worship forever, We'll worship forever , We'll worship forever Lord!" the church sang

"I make the wrong choices sometimes but I love you , I think the wrong thought sometimes but I love you , may slip up and fall sometimes but "

"I love you forever, I love you forever, I love you forever Lord!" My OG sang waving her fan and rocking back and forth

(AN : This my favorite gospel song )

"Sister Madelyn can you close us out with a prayer " the pastor said wiping his face . She walked up the the pit and took the mic

" Lord heavenly father let your peace , which passes all understanding , continue to guards our hearts , the hearts of those I love , our mind and our souls unconditionally lord I thank you for all blessing that has come and that is to come and for walking us this far .... Amen . "

"There is food in the kitchen .....$10 a plate with lemon cake or caramel and a can pop " she said walking to the back to the kitchen .I was finna go back there to get a plate but Mari stopped me

"I thought you wasn't coming "

I never said that ...excuse me I said brushing pass her

" Mr . Watson is that you " sister Sherly said coming up to me

Hey Ms. Sherly I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"You going to get a plate baby"

Yes ma'am on my way back there now I said smiling

"Ok baby it was nice seeing you again " she said walking off . I went to the back and it was a long line .

"Wassup three " one of the dudes said dadding me up

I walked up to My OG and she was serving plates . Where my plate I said whispering in her ear

"Over there by my purse .... There you go baby have a good day" she said to this pregnant lady

"And take them other plates to Trey , Vee and Don "

Grandma its Dee and Von

"Boy I don't care what they name is ....Just take them a plate ." I grabbed the plates and put them in a bag

You and jada got plates I said grabbing the pops

"Ya... They already at the house "

I went in my pocket and took out a hundred putting it in her pocket and gave her kiss and made my way to the car .


Rye'lnn Nelson
Chicago , IL 📍

I got in my car and I just sat there and cried and fought my steeling wheel . I took a deep breath in and grabbed my phone


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