173 8 0

Rye'lnn Nelson
Chicago , IL 📍

   Walking up to my Alarm I quickly  ran to the bathroom to throw up . Yesterday I got high with K3 and dem . When I got home I had the munchies but honestly I don't even remember the last time I went grocery shopping . So I probably ate sum that went bad .

I took a cap full of pepto bismol then  brushed my teeth real good and washed my face . I showered lasted night so I didn't have to this morning . Walking into my closet I pulled out my work clothes and put them on the bed . I grab my phone to to play some music on the speaker 

  Hey Siri play "3  days 3 hours " by Wale I said stripping into just my bra and panties

"In the A.M., I'm sayin' though, where you at, shorty?                                                                                    I'm happy without but got my doubts, shorty                                                                                                      Like, like if my currency dry out, would you be out thirsty?                                                                       Would your mind want me, like your soul want me? "

( AN- song at the top )

I sang into I heard a knock at the door . I quickly gab my robe and make my way to the door to see who it was

I need to hurry up and get one of dem ring doorbell things I thought to myself

Who is it 

"Ashton... I just wanna talk real quick " I heard a voice come through the door

I opened the door

You have two minutes cause I gotta be at work I said crossing my arm

"Here " he said handing me a key

"I thought it was time to finally give this back "

Ok.... Is that all I said walking past him to opened the door for him to leave

"No I also wanted to say I was sorry and give you my condolences"

Wow .... A little to late don't you think  I said opening the door

As I opened the door K3 was there about the knock

"Um... Is this a bad time" he said backing up  

"Naw come in " I said still waiting for Ashton to leave

"Who you " Ashton said sizing K3 up

"A somebody" K3 said sitting down at the island

"So this yo new nigga "

Ashton I don't have time for this ....Please just go

"I just wanna know who he is " Ashton said walking up to K3

"I think she asked you to leave foe  " K3 said getting up and showing his gun on his wasted band

Ashton just nodded his head and left . I didn't need you to do that but thank you

"Who was that if youn mind me asking"

This nigga I used to date

"Used to..."

Ya we broke up a month ago

"Mind if I ask why "

We just grew apart , like after my dad died he wasn't really there for me and he didn't even come to the funeral .Then I found out he had a whole another girlfriend . While we was suppose to be together. But enough about that why you here

"I brought you food "

Awww ....Thank you

"You got some to drink "

I gotta go grocery shopping after work but it water bottles  in there I said eating my hash browns pointing to the fridge

"What time you gotta be there "he said taking a sip of his water

10:30 ... what time is it



"What you still got time  "

Naw ...My car gotta go to the shop today... I forgot

"Whats wrong with that "

My dad or Ashton used to always take it for me , cause dem nigga be trying get over on me cause I'm a female

"You want me to take it"

You might try to steal my shit and flip it I said laughing

"Man hell naw ...Here take mine and imma take yours " he said laughing and handing me his keys

I took the keys and put them in my purse that was on he couch . I'm finna go finish getting dress I said looking at the clock

"Ight.... I gotta go anyways " he said grabbing my keys and his phone of the counter and leaving out

                                    Ding Ding


708-567-****-                                                                                                                                                                      you want me to drop yo car off when its done or you want it back when you get off

me -

whatever works for you , if you got stuff you need to do go head just don't be fucking in my shit        

708-567-****- 💀💀

I exited of our messages and went to my room to  finish getting dress

Chapter 5

Ashton seemed a little upset when he left right ?

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