109 7 1

Victoria James
Chicago,IL 📍

I exited of Instagram and rolled over and started crying again. I've been crying since I left Kadon house . I really was sorry that things ended the way they did . I love Kadon with all my heart but ion know I just couldn't pass up an opportunity no matter who it was. But if its one thing I know , he'll be back .

Next thing I know there was a knock at the door . Who is it

"Its me " Zaira said peeping her had in the door

Go away I said pulling the cover over my head

"Malik here " she said stepping out

"Hey " Malik said walking in

Malik was the guy I cheated on Kadon with . We occasionally have sex every week . Kadon went through an episode where he wasn't talking to anyone and he didn't want to be around nobody. Even though he told me he wanted space I just couldn't wait that long . After I cheated on Kadon we stop having sex like that . So I just started having sex with Malik again but he has a girlfriend so we sneak around and he pays me.

What you want I said turning the other way

"It's Saturday "

Well I'm not in the mood so you can go

" We had a deal ion five a fuck if you not in the mood" he said pulling the covers off me

Please don't do this I said while my eyes started watering

He kissed me then kissed my neck and then my breast . I felt his cold hands touch my thigh. I tried to clench them together but he grabbed my throat . As much as my mind told me no my body said yes . He put his fingers in me and after that everything went numb .


What ....you ain't enjoy it he said trynna kiss me . I turned my head and pulled the covers over me

Ight I'll see you next week ....love you he said getting out of bed pulling his pants up

He walked out and I pulled my knees to my chest and just laid there letting my thought get the best of me .My phone went off indicating I had a notification

Malikthekid sent you $4000

I throw my phone and got out of bed to shower . I ran my shower and stripped . Getting in I felt the water hit my skin and it was so relaxing I felt the steam hit my face and I let out a sigh and then broke down . As my tears fell I cover my mouth and held my stomach. I tried to keep my head high but i couldn't . I squatted down letting the water hit my hair and sat in a ball feeling every last water drop hit my skin I pulled my hair back still crying . I heard a knock at the door

"Hey.... you ok " I Heard Zaira on the other side of the door

Ya I'm fine I'll be out in a minute I said trying not to let my voice crack

I grab my wash cloth and scrub my body really hard into I turned red ....I felt dirty . After washing my body I got out and wrapped the towel around me . I walked to the sink and splashed my face with cold water . Looking in the mirror I was disgusted with what saw. I walked into my room and ripped the cover off the bed and the pillow case and threw them on the floor I went to my closet and grabbed a over size t shirt then lotion up my body down . I put my socks on then grabbed the covers off the floor and walked out my room .

I put my cover in the washing machine then put two cups of detergent in it and pressed start . I went to the kitchen and saw Zaira sitting on the couch . Did you eat yet I said opening the cabinet's

"No" she said still looking at the tv

Zaira is 16 she my lil cousin . Everyday after school she come to my house into my TeeTee come get her . What time yo momma coming I said pulling out some let overs I made yesterday

"Ion know call her "

Naw it's cool she probably busy ..... It's left over in there I said walking back into my room .

Chapter 9

Never is it ok to take advance of someone even if you had a verbal agreement no mean no regardless of the terms

How we feeling bout Tori

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