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Rye'lnn Nelson
Miami , FL📍

I woke up to somebody knocking on the door . I looked over and saw Kadon still sleep . Come in I said and I saw Kayla walk in

"Can I borrow yo black slides "

Ya they over there I said pointing to the closet . She walked over to the closet then picked them up and mouthed some to me . What I said softly

"Did ya'll fuck " she mouth to me and I shock my head no and she laughed and left out . Kadon round over and put his hand on chest and I let out a little laugh and cover my mouth . Then he opened his eye's

" I thought you was gon leave me again " he said in a raspy voice

What you mean I said looking at him

"The night I kissed you , you left the next morning "

You remember that I said laughing

"It's one of my favorite memories " he said and I blushed . So which one your favorite

"When I got shot and you took the gun and started shooting back "

What you thought I was one of dem scary bitches you be fucking with I said rolling my neck

"Naw " he said laughing

Let's play 21 questions I'll go first ....What your favorite color

"Red how bout you "

Pink ...

"Why you ain't bring up the kiss when I asked "

Because I didn't know how to feel about it

"How you feel about it now "

I think we both know how I feel

Ya but I wanna hear you say it he said licking his lips .

Nope I said trynna get out of bed . He smacked his teeth then pulled back in and grabbed my neck and kissed me .We fought for dominance and he won . Then there was a knock at the door and he stop but he didn't let go of my neck .

"She can't talk right now go away "he said yelling

I laughed and pushed him off me

"Man where you going " He said smacking his teeth

I'll be back I said walking to the door . I opened it and peep my head out I saw Mariah finna go down stairs . Riah I whispered cause I didn't know If people was still sleep or not . She started walking back to me laughing

"Kayla said come eat "

Ok I said putting my finger over my lip in the shh motion . She shook her head and started going back down stairs . I closed the door and Kadon was on laying on his back . I jump on him and sat in his lap twerking a little .

We ... Gotta ... Go ...Eat I said between bonces

"My meal right here" he said sitting up and grabbing my 🤪

No fr come on cause I'm hurngry I said getting up walking to the door with him behind me . We went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth then went down stairs . Walking down the stairs everybody was looking at us

"Fuck ya'll looking at " Kadon said walking in the kitchen .

Everybody shock they head and start back doing whatever they was doing . I sat down on the couch and pulled my phone out moments later Kadon came up to me with two plates and gave me one and sat down next to me . We ate our food then my phone went off

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