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I wrote this while I was intoxicated so excuse any mistakes

Rye'lnn Nelson
Chicago , IL 📍

3 months later

I was in my room laying down watching the new season of  "All American " until Kadon came in .

"You wanna come with me to my OG crib real quick "

Ya cause I want some to eat and I know she got some good food over there

"You just ate "

So I said pausing my show and getting out of bed

"Imma be in the car " Kadon said walking out

I put my shoes on then grabbed my phone and purse and headed for the door . I got in the car and Kadon was just sitting there looking at me


"Can I get a kiss "

I leaned over and pecked his lips then sat back and put my seatbelt on

"That baby ass kiss " he said starting the car


Kadon Watson
Chicago , IL📍

We pulled up to my OG crib and hopped out. I used my key to open the door then walked in .

"Bubby here " Jada yelled

I sat down with Rye'lnn sitting next to me . Moments later I heard my OG coming down the hallway .

"Hey boy ...What you doing here " she said coming up to me . I stood up and kiss her on the cheek then helped her sit in her chair .

Nothing just came by to check on you

"Mmh he said rocking in her chair "

"Hey Ms.Madelyn how you been" Rye'lnn said

"I've been good baby thanks for asking ...Where Trey and dem boys "

At work probably

"mmh uhh  ....work " she said

Rye'lnn and Jada had got up and walked to the back talking about something.

We're y'all going

"Mind yo business " Jada said

"Leave dem girls alone boy " My OG said

Me and my OG was laughing and talking into there was a knock at the door . You was waiting for company I asked

"No" my OG said about to get up but I did before she could . I opened the door and it felt like a cold breeze hit my face . I saw flashes of image and I froze.

I stood at the door and just stared . I heard footsteps gaining closer behind me .

"Why you here Nadia " I heard my OG say

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