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Kadon Watson
Chicago , IL 📍

"You ready " Rye'lnn said pulling up to the doctors office and parking .I hooped out and pulled my pants  up . Rye'lnn came over to the passenger side and grabbed my hand and we walked up to the doctor office .

Walking in the office we sat in the waiting chairs . The appointment was scheduled for 10:30 am it was 10:26 and I didn't see Tori . Moments later the bells rang indicating someone opened the door . I looked at the door and locked eyes with Tori and she smiled. Then she saw Rye'lnn and her smile slowly started to fade .

"I'm glad you came " she said walking up to us

I ain't here for you I know this baby not mine but if it is I wanna be here I said

"James " one of the nurses called out .We all got and followed her

We was in the room and Tori sat on the bed . Moments later a doctor came in .

"Hello how are you doing today mommy " the doctor said shaking Tori's hand

"I'm good "

"Ok so we have you scheduled for an ultra sound and the and early paternity test "

Tori shook her head arguing with the doctor . I could see that Rye'lnn was upset because she started bouncing her leg .

You good I said stopping her leg

"Ya " she said

"Ok so here's your baby leg we have 7,8,9, 10 toes and 6,7,8,9,10 fingers ...Ok everything looks good are we finding out the gender today "

"No " Tori said

"Ok I'll give the form to the nurse and she will give you an envelope with the gender in it "

"So for the paternity test I will need to take a blood test from both mom and dad ... so dad follow me and mom a nurse will be with you in just a moment "

Me and Rye'lnn both got up and followed the doctor to the other room . I sat down in the chair and Rye'lnn sat next to me .

"A nurse will be with your shortly "

I sent the doctor a quick nodded then put all my focus back on Rye'lnn

You good

"Stop asking me that I'm ok "

Can I get a kiss

She leaned in and kiss me moments later the nurse  walked in .

"Ok so what's your name "the nurse said sitting in front of the computer

Kadon Watson

"Age "


"Ok "she said and she typing awhile on the computer

"How long does it take to get the results " Rye'lnn spoke

"About 20-30 minutes " the nurse said as a paper came out the printer "I'll be right back with the test " she said walking out

10 minutes later she wheeled in a table with stuff on it . She sat down and put her gloves on . I extended my arm and she wiped it down with an achole wipe then inserted the needle . I watched as my blood started filling up the tube .She removed the needle then the closed the tube

She put a couple gauze on my arm the put a bandaid over it

"I'll be back with the results she said as she walked out "

25 minutes later the door opened and she handed me a piece of paper

"Your all good to good you guys have a good day "

Me and Rye'lnn got up and walked out the room . We made our way to the front then to the car . I opened the door the hopped in .

"Open it " she said

I opened the paper and ...


Victoria James
Chicago , IL📍

The doctor came in the room and handed me a piece of paper .

"Ok this paper as the next check up on it and the blood type of the baby and yours "

The baby's father I asked

"The dad's test just be on there at the bottom " he said and walked out the room

I gather my things and headed for the door . Walking in the front I stopped at the front desk .

"James " I told the nurse and she handed me an envelope

I made it to my car then got in . I threw my purse on the back seat and opened the letter . My eyes looked over the paper then made it to the paternity test "Not A Match " my eyes filled with tears and threw the paper in the backseat. I buckled my seat belt the started the car .

Pulling off flashes of me and Kadon kept playing in my head

(Flashback )

Stop I said running to the room seconds later my feet was off the ground

Kadon put me down

"Naw you ass wanted to play "

Ok I'm done

"Uhh Unt "she said then body slammed me on the bed

Ow I screamed then laughed "you play to much "

"Naw you play to much " he said kissing me

I love you

"I love you too"  he said seeping the kiss

(Flashback over )

I pulled up to the house and got out . I walked in the house and sat down on the couch.

"So am I a grandmother or not " Nadia said


"Oh baby it's ok "she said pulling me into a hug "I will make sure you get him back whatever it takes she said patting my leg

Chapter 27

I'm sorry y'all last weekend was the 4th and I had a lot going on this is the chapter from last week

This week chapter will be up later today 💕💕

Kadon's not the father 🎊🎊

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