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Rye'lnn Nelson

Chicago ,IL 📍

Kadon !!! I called out in a dark room I couldn't see anything . My eyes normally adjust to the darkness but this time felt different , it felt like my eyes where closed but I knew they were open . I tried to pull my arms to reach out but I couldn't because they were chained down . I saw a light flash down a long hallway .

The chains unlocked and I heard them hit the ground . I ran as fast I could down the hall but it felt like it was never ending . I saw Kadon at the end of the hall talking on the phone . I began to get closer but something pulled me back and I fell and the chains locked around my wrist again .

I woke up still chained to the chair with Ashton asleep in front of me . I looked down at my Apple Watch .Hey Siri I said in a whispering voice but loud enough for Ashton to hear me I thought cause he moved . Yes she responded . I hesitated before saying anything to make sure Ashton was sleep. He let out a light snore so I continued . Call Kadon 🖤 ....
Ok making a mobile call to Kadon black heart .... The phone rang and rang then it finally went to voicemail.

Kadon Watson

Chicago , IL 📍

I'm finna go shower bae I said kissing Rye'lnn .she did a light turn to the side and continued to sleep . I gathered all my things to shower and headed to the bathroom .15 min later after my shower I saw I got a miss call from bae so I wrap the towel around my waist and left the bathroom.

Bae did you call me I said walking Iinto the the room looking at my phone still . I looked up and seen Rye'lnn was still sleeping . I walked over to her phone and went through her call log and didn't see a call to me made, but I saw I a familiar number that I recognized in her call log . I took her phone to the kitchen and clicked on the number and pulled up the messages.

773-234-7789 - you made it yet

Ya just pulled up    .what that bitch doing

773-234-7789- ok . She sleeping 

don't let her fool you ...my sister smart asl to

773-234-7789- ik baby

I love you  I'm finna go in baby remember only call if it's important and I'll text you

7732347789-Ik baby I love you more baby

TF. I get off the message and went to her photos and the first one was a picture of her in somebody's car that I didn't recognize. I scrolled over and it was more pictures of her "damn she takes a lot of pictures...but my baby fine tho "I said as I kept scrolling. I clicked on a photo and made it bigger zooming in on her face then went to another photo. This weird picture came up so I clicked on the picture, and it was a picture of her but at a distance, it was they day of her dad's funeral. I didn't even realize there was a camera man there I said to myself.

I scrolled over and it was a picture from a distance of me and her talking before she left. This picture was weird to tho I looked at it for a while and you could see the person that took it was hiding in the bushes. I put the phone down because i felt myself getting angrier i went into the room and grad my clothes and put them on. Then walked over to the dresser and took my charger and airpods and walk out the door

i pulled up to the trap blasting love no thoties by chief keef .I sat there a minute then rolled a wood and faced it. Moments went by and i eventually went in. Getting out the car and walking in the house it was empty but i could hear music coming from downstairs. I walked in my office and closed the door behind me i logged into the computer and started tracking the cars. One was on the south and the other on west and one down the street.

I turned on the radio and the warning alarm went off indicating that 12 was close by. I backup the computer and was about to hit the button for the signal for downstairs but the alarm stopped. I removed my hand and opened my screen again. I was checking the system to make sure all provides got paid and my Coner boys as well. I had a meeting with one of the providers on the west later tonight to see i could use one of their warehouses to store extra cars and cash.

'Oh my bad boss' Jerimiah said bussing in my office with some girl all over him. He pushed her off of him and walked over to my desk and sat down in front of it. I Look at her for a minute and look at him 'We doing business right now " he said. She smacked her teeth and walked away closing the door . I submitted payroll he said clearing his voice. I saw ...why was the radio off I said still looking at the computer . "You know sometimes that bitch go off just cause " Nigga I don't care about none of that. This the only signal we have at the house , what if 12 would've run up on y'all , you wouldn't know cause you to busy running behind some ass . They would've took you and all my product. No product means no money remember that i said .

"You right boss " he said getting up . Load my car up and go make that drop real quick i said locking my computer and leaving my office. I went downstairs and put the password in the key pad then walked in . I grabbed a mask off the wall and walked over to the product on the table that the girls was cutting and bagging .I Took a bag and weigh it and it was good I went to the second office and trey was down there playing the game .

"Wassup bro " he said looking back quickly then back at the game. Wassup I said sitting down at the desk and taking off my mask then logging in to all the cameras. "Where's Rye'lnn " . At the crib I said keeping it short and simple. Eyy did you know she had a camera man at Murda funeral. "Not that I ....Ya lets go he said hopping up "but ya not that i know of ...Why you ask that"? Cause rye had pictures taking at the funeral "aww" he said .

Rye'lnn Nelson

Chicago ,IL

I tugged at the my arms because i had a itch on my nose. Ashton walked up to me and pulled my hair back making me jerk my neck . He gave me the death stair then scratched my nose for me and walked away. Wait .... Wait i said quickly trying to stop him then i heard footsteps getting closer. I gotta use the bathroom i said bouncing my leg up and down . He untied me then put the gun to my head and lead me towards the left .

We walked up to the bathroom, and I walked in and tried to close the door behind me . He put his foot in between to stop the door. "Leave the door open " he said pushing it opening. I walked over to the toilet and sat down . l was going to try to text Kadon again but Ashton was watching me like a hawk. I finished and whipped and pulled my pants up then went over to wash my hands . We left and walked back to my seat but before we made it i spotted the door and elbowed him in the neck and ran towards the door and i heard two shots so i stopped ."Next time i wont miss" he said holding his neck and choking in between words .I walked over to my seat and sat down .He tied me back up to then pistoled whipped me .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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